Day 266

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Don't wright me back? Is that how you were taught to sing letters back in the old days? Because now in modern times that's considered pretty rude. But whatever, I didn't think I'd hear back anyway. I knew you wouldn't be daft enough to send a letter to my house but I really didn't think you'd get my secret message. Giaco's been a helpful escape and decoy since everything went to shit when you were picked up. They treat me like a baby now, I can't even walk to school anymore and pop changed my curfew 8 o'clock, not that there's any point in leaving the house anyway, Sal and Jonny follow me everywhere. Pop thinks everyone is against him, he's not taking any chances. So now you know I'm safe maybe you'll sleep a few hours tonight.
I had a lime cream tonight - your fav.
There, is that better?

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