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Hello, my wonderful rice balls!

I know, I know! Hold you applause. I am back and I am excited to start back up into it! Few things before we start of course; this book *should* be a little more coherent than the last one. I do request that as I go on you give me some constructive criticism and include your wants as I go along as silly or serious as you so desire! I am always up for input and quick changes that bring flavor to my stories!

I would also like to thank you all. Book 1 was my biggest success so far! Not only did we make it #13 on #whatnext out of more than TWO THOUSAND stories, but we also:

-Reached over 14k reads!

-Almost hit 400 votes!

-And almost hit 400 comments!

None of that could have been done without all of you and I know that if I were still 12-13, I would have been even more blown away! So, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Let me know if you would like me to do some sort of special.


-Special Short?


Let me know!!!

Under a Cherry Tree a Fruits Basket FF Book 2Where stories live. Discover now