chapter 2

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It was the middle of the night as Feliciana was sleepwalking into Ludwig's room. Snuggling close to the sleeping German she muttered, "I forgive you." Unfortunately she forgot that she had taken off her wrappings.


The first thing that Feliciana noticed was that the warm thing next to her was gone. Reaching around she found Ludwig and pulled herself to snuggle closer like he was a giant teddy bear.

"Feli go back to your own bed."

"No," Feliciano pushed her chest closer to Ludwig's.

Ludwig's eyes snapped open, "F-Feli!" He sat up to see the female nation. The first thing he noticed that she was wearing a tight tank top that showed off something that the German did not expect to see. Breasts.

Feliciano sat up slowly, "What is it doistu?" She opened her eyes and looked at Germany, then followed his stare to herself, and then lower to her… "AHHHHHHHHHHH!"  Feliciana got up and jumped out of the bed. Only to fall face first on the floor.

"W-w-what the hell just happened?"

"I fell on my face," Feliciana said, her face still on the face.

Ludwig pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, "Feliciano, I meant you umm." He turned quite red after that.

"My chest?"

"Umm, er, yea."

"Imma girl," she said giggling nervously. "Surprise?"

Germany groaned, "Wha-wha, why are you…?"

Italy shook a little, "Umm, doistu, you aren't mad are you?"

Germany looked at the female nation and blushed slightly, "Umm, err, well…no."

"Yay!" Feliciana jumped up and hugged Ludwig tightly, "Doistu still likes me!"

"Umm, Feliciano, could you please…"


"Put a, umm, bra on?"

Feliciana looked down at her showing cleavage, "Umm…ok."

Germany sighed as Italy left, realizing his life was never going to be the same again.

dancing through life (fem italy x germany)Where stories live. Discover now