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Nina's pov
"Do you think someday we will be free again to do art? Lara asked "I don't know I want to of course but this stupid government is literally full of boomers" I said. "I think we need to protest for this. We have to find more artists and create a team. If we are all together we will be easier to change the law" Flora said confidently "You are crazy. How are we supposed to go against the government? We are going to get in trouble in no time" Lara panicked. "Lara is right this is difficult and our families will get in trouble too" I agreed with Lara but I really wanted to make a change. "You are too cowards to follow your dreams I will find us a solution. I am expecting a help from you once I find out something. "Flora said irritated and left the house. "I really love dancing maybe we should sacrifice ourselves for the art" I said to Lara but she just lowered her head. I know it's difficult for her because her mom supports her but we have to think for our future too.
I went to my room and start dancing without having any sense of my surroundings I didn't even notice that it was midnight. I got back to the living room and saw Lara drawing "Where is Flora? She left hours ago." and before I could say more Flora got in the house excited. "I FOUND OUR SOLUTION" she screamed and show us a piece of paper. "I found some of my friends that I know they make art and we talked about the problem and said that there is a group of boys who do parties for the artists with music,dance etc. but it is a secret and we can't talk about it outside the house. They are having a party this Saturday we have to drive there it's outside the town." Flora said without breathing and I immediately agreed "But isn't that dangerous? What if police finds out? I don't want to risk anything." Lara said worried "Relax Lara it's a secret they told me that they have done these kind of parties this past month and they didn't get caught not even once and IF police comes we will have our masks on. Everyone will wear a mask." Flora explained "And we find these boys we can talk to them about our idea" I said and Flora nod "Okay I am in but we have to be really careful "Lara said and we did a group hug. "Flora what is the name of this boy group?"
"Stray kids."

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