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Nina's pov
Today I finally persuade Hyunjin to visit his parents. If I left him to decide by himself when to go to them we would probably never gone. I decided to dress up a little more serious than usual. I don't want his parents to have a bad first impression of me. He came by my house to drive us there. I went to the car. He looked at me carefully "What?" I asked him confused "You look beautiful with this style too" he said and I blushed "Shut the fuck up and drive. But thank you" I smiled to him and he smiled back. He then started driving to his parents' house. I could tell that he was anxious so I rubbed his back and stroked his hair. "Thank you for coming with me. I could have never done this alone" he said looking at me "You have me you aren't alone." I said.
After a while he parked the car "That's the house" he told me showing me with his finger his house "Are you ready? Whenever you feel ready we will go inside." I said and he grabbed me and kissed me. He let me go "Let's go" he said and he got out of the car. I did the same. He locked the car and he came next to me and I held his hand. We were now infront of the door. He took a deep breath and he ringed the bell. He looked at me worried and his legs where shaking. I squished his hand and then the door opened. A lady opened the door shocked "Hey mother" Hyunjin said and the lady smiled "HYUNJIN OH MY GOD MY BABY YOU ARE BACK." his mother screamed and she hugged him. I let his hand and he hugged her too. I smiled at them. I am glad that his mother was not angry or something. She looked at me and I smiled at her. "Stupid boy after so long you finally come home with a friend and you didn't introduced me." she said and I laughed. Hyunjin was so lost we looked at him and laughed "Hello I am Nina. I am Hyunjin's friend. Nice to meet you miss." I said and she hugged me too and I hugged her back. That's a good sign right? It means she likes me doesn't she? "Come inside kids I have made cookies" she said "Are they with chocolate?" Hyunjin asked like a little boy "Yes Hyunjin they are your favourites." she smiled and we went to the living room. We sat there and she went to kitchen. "Hyunjin your mother was so happy to see you. That's really good" I whispered to him "I know but my dad is the difficult one." he said worried. Then his mother came with a plate with a lot of cookies and water. "I don't know what are you drinking these days so I think water will work for you." she said laughing "It's okay you didn't have to get me too. Thank you." I said and I saw Hyunjin eating the cookies. He was so happy he didn't even talk. He finished them all "Mum where is dad?" he asked her "Am I not enough?" she asked "No you are but I want to talk to both of you." he said nervous and then we heard the door opened and closed again. "Here he is."she said and Hyunjin took my hand nervous and I squished him. Then a tall man entered the living room and once he saw Hyunjin he stopped walking. Both me and Hyunjin stood up "Hello father" Hyunjin said "Hello mister. Nice to meet you." I said "Sit down kids" his father said and we did as he said. "So what brings you here Hyunjin and..?" he asked me "Nina, my name is Nina sir." I said "And Nina then?" he continued. I squished Hyunjin's hand "I missed you and I decided it was time to come back to you. You know I feel bad for leaving like this. You didn't deserve this kind of treatment but I was feeling that you didn't understand my dream. I am such a disappointment to you." Hyunjin said barely holding his tears "Hyunjin my son,we were always worried about you but we know your dream and that you will do everything to accomplish it. I am proud of you. I saw you in the news when you danced infront of the president and you were truly free and happy. What both of you did was very dangerous but I am proud of both of you because I was informed that because of you two art is now alive again." his dad said and I was starting crying without realising. His mother came next to me and squished my arm and smiled at me and then Hyunjin looked at his mother and she showed him to go to his father. And he did. They both hugged tightly. Hyunjin was crying softly from happiness and I was so happy for him. "He is a crybaby." his mother whispered to my ear "I know but I am too" I whispered too and we both laughed. Hyunjin and his father looked at us "Nina come here" and he made a hug so I can go hug him and I went to him and he hugged me and Hyunjin together. "I saw my son being happy and alive because of you thank you Nina. You took great care of him." he said and I blushed "He is the one who protected me and helped the most. You raised a wonderful son. Both of you."I said and Hyunjin smiled at me and I did too. His mum came to join the hug and finally Hyunjin was truly happy.

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