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Izuku: I woke up excited. Today is the day I find out what my quirk is! I can't wait to be a great hero like All Might! I run to my mom's room, nearly bust the door down and start jumping on my mom's bed. She wakes up groggily and then sees me all excited. She lights up and says "I know, I know, today is the day! Go get ready and we'll go to the doctor as soon as possible." I rush to my room to get ready, and I quickly shower, brush my teeth, and put on my All Might onesie. I rush downstairs and see and see my mother smiling at me while making pancakes. I get even more excited as she puts the pancakes on the table. I jump into the chair and start stuffing them down my throat as fast as possible. "Slow down Izuku, you don't want to choke do you?" my mom asks. I shake my head as I slow down. I still finish quickly and as we were going out the door I was screaming "YAY YAY, I get to see what my quirk is today! I will be a strong as All Might and save everyone with a smile!" Inko smiles at her little cinnamon roll and opens the door to the car.


No one's POV: The doctor walks into the office after the countless tests and happily says "Izuku has a decently strong quirk. His muscles are super dense which allows him to take little to no damage from physical attacks. It also increases how fast little Izuku's muscles grow and upgrades his strength a little. Overall, it's not the strongest quirk, but if try you can be a great hero!" Izuku exclaims happily "Yay I can be a great hero like All Might!" Everyone in the room smiles from his adorableness as he leaves to go home and celebrate his new quirk. He eats his favorite Katsudon and goes to the park afterward to meet with Kastuki.

Izuku's POV:  "Hi, Kacchan! I got my quirk today!" I happily say. "What is it, I bet it isn't as good as mine!" Katsumi fires back. "No, it's not as flashy, but the doctor said I am virtually indestructible and I gain muscle faster than average," I answer a little quieter. "What does virtually mean not everyone is smart like you, NERD!  It doesn't matter what that means, your quirk is not nearly as good as mine Deku! You are useless! Your quirk can't do anything but protect yourself, you can't be a hero with a quirk like that. That's a villains quirk! Yeah, it's a villain quirk. You can't help anyone but yourself!" I start crying and run as fast as he can back home. I force myself to stop crying before entering my house so my mom wouldn't know that Kacchan started bullying me. I enter my house with a fake smile and I go to my room hoping my mom wouldn't notice me, but luck wasn't on my side. She saw me and asked "Did Kacchan like your quirk?" she asked. "Yeah, he loved it," I hate lying to my mother, that's why I didn't want her to see me, but I had to lie because I didn't want to be a tattletale.

No one's POV:  Bakugo told everyone about Izuku's so-called villain quirk and the bullying began. The bullying didn't faze Izuku much physically because he was indestructible and got desensitized from pain. But, it still hurt Izuku mentally and emotionally that nobody believed he could be a hero with his quirk. This just made Izuku steel his resolve and he started training every moment he had. Years went on with the bullying and training but the bullying was getting notably less after people started getting scared of Izuku from him getting bigger and bigger, in both height and muscle.


Ten years later on the last day of school Izuku had most of the girls drooling over him, though he was too dense to notice. The boys started hating him even more from taking all the girls' attention from them to him. But nobody was bolder than Bakugo, he still bullied Izuku just as bad as always even though it was useless. The teacher walked in and said: "Time to take the career aptitude test," everyone groaned but then he said, "Just kidding, I know you all want to be heroes anyway." Everyone cheered and Bakugo yelled "Don't lump me with all these extras. They'll be lucky if they could end up being sidekicks to some D-lister!" Everyone got angry and started yelling "Hey! That's mean!", "You're not that good yourself," "You underestimate us and overestimate yourself!". "I aced to mock exams, unlike all you extras!" Then a random girl shouted out "Izuku also aced the mock exams!" Everyone looked at the girl and then Izuku and everyone started laughing and yelling about how his villain quirk would prevent him from being a hero. Then the teacher calmed everyone down and pointed out that Katsumi applied to UA. Everyone started talking about how hard it is to get into UA and its acceptance rate. "Yeah! I'm the only one from this trash school that's gonna make it into UA!" "Oh, Midoriya also applied to UA." The class had mixed responses. Some started laughing while others silently thought he could do it. 


At the end of class, Izuku started packing up his thing until Katsumi took his hero notebook out of his hands. "A hero journal!? You think you can become a hero with your villain quirk?" She said that as she put the notebook in between both hands, blew it up and threw it out the window. She started walking out the door and then she said "If you really want to be a hero," Izuku started getting excited because he thought it was going to be legitimate advice. "Pray for a heroic quirk in your next life and take a swan dive off the roof... oh wait you can't do that," As she and her goons laughed walking out the door. Izuku went down to pick up the surprisingly intact notebook and started walking home under a bridge. He was so caught up in his thoughts he didn't hear the slime villain behind him open the sewer drain and sneak up behind him until it said "I medium-sized cover shall be nice," Izuku's head whipped around as he dodged the first tendril and then another and another. That made the slime villain very frustrated and he started getting sloppier. And then All Might of all people showed up and punched the slime villain into oblivion. It took a while for Izuku to register what happened but when he did he blurted out "ALL MIGHT, ohmygodohmygodit'sallmight! CAN YOU SIGN MY NOTEBOOK YOU'RE MY FAVORITE HERO!" "OF COURSE MY BOY " All Might answered as he grabbed the notebook and signed his hero name. "Wait I have a question!" Izuku said as All Might prepared to jump away. Izuku made a rash decision to grab onto his leg as All Might jumped.  All Might fel a weight on his leg and when he looked down he saw the kid he just met. "I love my fans but this is a little much" he said before he landed on a building. He was about to jump away again when Izuku half-yelled "Please I have to ask a question. Can I become a hero with my quirk? Everone says it's villain quirk," He explained his quirk and afterward All Might though 'Wow his quirk could go well with mine and he seems like he would make a good hero, but I would need some test,' right after he thought that an explosion could be heard and All Might saw Izuku jump off the 15 storybuilding and landing without a problem. All Might was surprised but then remembered abouted the explosion and also went toward the sound. 

Izuku walked up to hear the heroes there saying things like "I don't have the right quirk for this," "We need to wait for backup," this pissed Izuku off as he rushed in and threw his backpack into the slime's eye. This disoriented the villain for enough time to grab Katsumi out of the slime and run back to the heroes. Then All Might came and once again punched the villain into oblivion. Izuku got praised and scolded but Izuku turned to the heroes and said "Come on. I, a junior high student, figured out the villains weakness in 3 seconds while 3 pros had to 'wait for backup' because their quirks aren't suitable. Come on the point of a pro is to risk your own life to save others. And you rely too much on your quirk use your head. I didn't even use my quirk at all!" The people around oooohed while Izuku walked away. All Might saw this and made the decision to make him his successor.

While Izuku was walking home Katsumi ran up and yelled "I DIDN'T NEED YOUR HELP I COULD'VE DONE IT ON MY OWN, I DON'T OWE YOU ANYTHING!" "I didn't think you owe me anything I just helped because ut is obvious you did need help and no one else was helping," Katumi growled and stomped away. After a few minutes All might ran in front of him and deflated. "AHHH ALL MIGHT ARE YOU OKAY??!!" "YES YOUNG UHH," "Midoriya" Izuku completed. "YOUNG MIDORIYA! i HAVE CHOSEN YOU TO BE MY SUCCESSOR! IF YOU ACCEPT I WILL TRAIN YOU AND YOU WILL RECEIVE MY QUIRK!" "Yes of course- wait RECEIVE YOUR QUIRK! that'snothowitworksyoucan'tjustgiveaquirk" "YOUNG MIDORIYA MY QUIRK IS ONE FOR ALL" Everything else goes on as in the anime All Might explains his quirk and the training, while Izuku is super excited.

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So how was the first chapter, not like anyone is going to see this. This is mostly for me but I'll be glad if anyone finds it and likes it. But if anyone does find it how was the first chapter recommendations and criticism is happily accepted. If anyone comments I will try to go over  and answer every  comment. Bye have a good day or night!

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