Chapter 1

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A flame flickered to life from the end of the lighter. It descended to the candle waiting on the desk. It engulfed the wick, and immediately the room began to smell of wood and warmth. It flooded the air of the classroom. Turning off the lighter, Abigor Rubrum propped his feet on his desk. He surveyed the class in front of him.

These, surely, were children. Their dim eyes held nothing of importance. Their minds too weak to focus on the class in front of them. Their egos foolish enough to believe they could pass notes right under his nose without his knowledge. Foolish children.

A hand raised, catching his attention. He followed the arm down to the body of a girl. She had auburn hair and brown eyes, and wore a timid but determined expression.

"Yes?" Mr. Rubrum asked curiously.

The girl cleared her throat. "We're not supposed to light candles in the classroom. It's a fire hazard." She explained.

Mr. Rubrum grinned. "Is it now?"

The girl paused before nodding. "You should blow it out before you get in trouble."

Mr. Rubrum stopped walking. He turned and eyes the class of juniors in front of him. "I'll get in trouble, you say?"

The girl nodded, now less sure of herself.

Mr. Rubrum smiled and lifted the candle to his lips. With a gentle breath he blew it out as he began walking towards the girl. She shrunk back slightly in her seat. The rest of the class watched in confusion.

Upon reaching the girl, he lifted her arm up roughly. "No more trouble than those who disrespect me." And with that he poured hot candLe wax in her hair.

She let out a yip and yanked herself away. "What the hell?"

Mr. Rubrum walked quietly back to his desk, rearranging his things as the class behind him became tumultuous.

Once he had gathered all his things, he turned and slammed a hand on his desk, silencing the children. "Now, know this. I'm leaving. I'm moving to a new school. I'm not your problem anymore. So don't make me your problem."

The children gaped as Mr. Rubrum simply left. Nobody spoke. Nobody moved. All were still too paralyzed with fear of the man who's presence was a promise of destruction.

A few minutes pass, and one of the boys turns to the class. "What should we do?"

"We should tell the principal!" Exclaimed one girl.

"No! We can't. He's leaving and he won't bother us again. I don't want him needing a reason to come back." Reasoned the girl with the candle burn.

The students began to gather their things and exit the classroom. One boy stopped the candle burn girl. "Maybe we should tell someone. What if he does something worse to some other kids?"

She sighs. "Do you even hear yourself? Some other kids. Not us. Not our problem. Not anymore."

With that she leaves, taking her candle wax burn and her selfish feelings with her.

Three months later

Abigor leaned against his car. It sat ostentatiously in a high school parking lot. It was a nice car. And it certainly didn't belong where it landed.

"And you're sure you won't cause me problems?" Vice Principal Wang inquired. He was an Asian man in his late fifties, and his eyes were soft and kind. Hard to believe he and Abigor were old acquaintances.

"I promise you." Abigor said with a calm smile.

Wang lifted an eyebrow. "You promise you won't cause me problems?"

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