Chapter 3

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Abigor Rubrum hated many things. Music. Babies. Animals. Scented candles. People who were too loud. People who were too quiet. But there was nothing he hated more than disobedient students. He leered at the students seated in front of him. A new bunch. New troublemakers. New admirers. And best of all, a new favorite. She wasn't in this class, but she would be in his last class of the day. 

For now, he focused on the rowdy children in the room. "Quiet now," He commanded firmly. Most everyone turned to hear him. "My name is Mr. Rubrum, I'll be your English Literature teacher this year." He picked up a stack of papers from his desk and continued speaking as he passed them out. "This year will not be easy. I've chosen books for us to read, and assignments to go along with them. I do not accept late work."

He allows the children a moment to mull over their syllabus. "Any questions?"

One boy raised his hand. "Mr. Rubrum why does it say we aren't ever allowed to work in pairs or groups?"

"An excellent question. I've found in the past that individual work creates an environment of intellectual utopia, and reduces the level of noise. Am I understood?" Mr. Rubrum's voice had an ominous undertone, so the boy nodded his head quickly.

"Good. Anyone else?" 

The class exchanged a glance before averting their eyes from the teacher. Mr. Rubrum grinned. "Excellent."


"Dude, he could run me over and I would thank him."

"I think you'd be too dead to thank him."

"Then I'd haunt him until he joins me in the afterlife."

"I don't think that's how it works."

"How would you know?"

Lovanna bit her lip to keep from laughing. The three girls bickering in front of her were freshmen. She didn't know their names, but she knew exactly who they were talking about. Nobody could seem to get over the new teacher in school. Even the freshmen. Which became evident to Lovanna when she took a seat on a bench near them to eat her lunch.

"How could I not look at him like that? He's...a man. Not like the boys we go to school with." The first girl said.

"Yeah, like Ryan? I bet he dyed his hair blonde to compensate for his missing brain cells." The second girl laughed.

"He's compensating for something alright." The first one grinned.

The third girl tilted her head. "I don't get it? What else is he compensating for? What's he missing?"

The first and second girl smirked at each other. 

"Let's just say something is missing from his...other head." The first girl winked.

Lovanna stood up from the bench she was sitting on and began walking back towards the school, fearing she might actually laugh this time. She threw away her trash, entered the building, and was about to start making her way up the stairs, when she bumped into someone.

"I'm so sor-" She cut off when she made eye contact with Mr. Rubrum.

He just smiled coldly. "What was that you were saying?"

"Watch where you're going next time," She said, crossing her arms. The look in his eyes got darker, and she quickly added, "Please."

He leaned on the railing, half-blocking her path. "I was watching where I was going. I really think you should be more aware, and on a note of equal importance, show members of authority proper respect."

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