chapter 2

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?:well my name is payton

Rose: well hi payton welcome to Hell I guess i have to show you around the place since my father is to lay to.

Payton: ok

We left my house and i showed him everything from where the souls get to see how they died and were souls get tortured and a bunch of other things. We were almost to a park when i heard my bestie annabelle yell my name.

Anna: rose!!!!


Then we started to laugh at how crazy we are. Then she noticed payton.

Anna: um rose who is this??

Rose oh this, this is payton he's new here so i had to show him around the place.

Anna: oh well nice to meet u parker im annabelle my friends call me Anna or belle for short.

Payton: hi annabelle

Anna: well gotta go bye ttyl

R+p: bye

Then we stared talking about random stuff then we started talking about life and how he got murdered. Its crazy he was murdered while with his friends they were at the lake when out of nowhere a man came up to him a shot him, like Anna. He said that the man that killed he was wearing something over his face so he couldnt see who it was.

(Few hours later)
It was getting late, yes it get dark in hell, but anyway we were walking back to my house and when we got there my father said that payton was staying in my room. I was happy that he was staying in my room but y that's my room no ones aloud init except anna and Chucky and i guess now Payton. I was getting sleepy, so when we got to my room i changed in to something comfy and went to bed.

A/n here's chapter 2🖤❤🌹 well I'm gonna go to bed im starting to get a headache from walking around my school all day and looking at my computer as well. Hope y'all liked im gonna post tomorrow bye. Night goodmornin or what ever time it is for you. Love y'all

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