chapter 15

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Something caught my eye?
End of recap

I walked closer to the water to see if was rose. What i saw was the most terrifying thing i could have imagined!!

jk rose was just sitting on the bottom of the lake i guess just thinking(Percy Jackson reference) so i sat down near the water waiting for her to come back to the surface.

Rose's pov

I was sitting on the bottom of the lake just thinking of what my life had become or what is to come, after a few minutes I went back to the surface to get some air. When i got to the surface i was startled by payton.

R: *gasp* holy crap payton what are you doing here

P: i came to check on you because you were gone forever and i was worried.

R: oh im sorry i worried you😞

I said as i got out of the water.

P: hey its ok. You don't have to sorry.

I was about to ugly cry(me✌) but then he hugged me before i could i was being hugged by payton i didn't even realize that i hugged back. We stood there for a good 30 minutes, i didn't want the hug to end but it did i got sad again. When we got home i went straight to my room, I didn't realize that payton didn't follow me. As soon as i got to my room i laid on my bed, i just looked up at the ceiling just thinking.

I went to take a shower to calm my self down.

A/n😛😛 wassup peeps sorry I left y'all on a cliffhanger last chapter, but hope y'all like this one bye have a good day, night. or were ever you are💜💜

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