This is our reality.

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As a black woman I personally have experienced the feeling as if I just always had to keep myself together. I couldn't cry. I couldn't talk about my problems or my feelings without being labeled as weak or just someone who complains. I always had to be strong.

As a black woman there's not many people to confide in. Not even your own because there are some black women who wants to tear eachother down. And then with the black men it's really like we're divided in a way. We're in the same boat. But it always feels like us black women are just alone.

We're fighting for ourselves.
We're fighting for our loved ones.
We're fighting for black men.
But who's fighting for us?
No one.
We have to fight for eachother too. And that isn't a very easy thing to do because most women doesn't want to stick together.
So it's definitely a struggle.

Most of the time we're not labeled as "Black Women". Instead we're labeled as "Black Bitches". We're often sexualized, degraded, humiliated, mistreated, attacked in all forms, And completely destroyed.

We're not viewed as women. And even If we carry ourselves as women there's always a guy ready to treat us like a hoe.

When we're very educated and wholesome we're often overlooked. And since there's been a very sexual stereotype stored in place when it comes to black women's bodies which is the fact that all black women supposedly are "Thick" and black women has a lot of curves. This is true for a lot of black women. But it's not true for all of us. And the ones who aren't curvy are always getting bashed for not having what all black women are allegedly supposed to have.

Good black men are hard to find. Let's not forget that part. And it's very often that there are so many people always trying to convince black women that if they don't have a man in their life then they aren't nothing. They're not interesting. We're often expected to be single mothers.

We're expected to have easily accessible bodies. And when we don't carry ourselves that way a lot of us are frowned upon.

We're always judged and criticized for every little thing that we do. If we wear and love our natural hair it doesn't get as much applause as it is if we're wearing fake hair. Our natural beauty is never embraced. But the moment we decide to change our look since our natural look is oftenly treated like it's not enough, Suddenly it's a problem. Everything is a problem when it comes to the black women. We can never have any kind of peace.

And let's also not forget we're basically treated like we're pieces of meat. An image that's not always factual for every black woman really becomes apart of a lot of our identity even when we have much more to offer than just our bodies. We're still just looked upon as a sex symbol. Someone is always ready to sexualize us.

It's sickening.

I'M A STRONG BLACK WOMAN:I'M NOT ALWAYS STRONGWhere stories live. Discover now