So much weight....

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Black women carry so much weight on their shoulders. And we're always expected to be strong even when we're not strong. Even when we're not fine. And we would rarely complain.

Yet in return we're unprotected, we're not treated like we're queens, we always receive the short end of the stick, we're often bashed,judged,criticized,etc. And we're expected to just accept it. We're supposed to always be worried or afraid. This is absolutely no way to live. But unfortunately, this is our reality.

Whenever we're hurt it's either no one cares or "oh well". And whenever we get fed up with everything and finally snap then all of a sudden we're "crazy". Society is so backwards. The way that things are is very backwards.

As a black woman I can honestly say even though we're strong,fierce, intelligent, powerful,etc. We still have our moments when we're not so strong. We have our moments when we're falling apart mentally and emotionally. We breakdown. We scream. We cry. We hurt. But we still continue to persevere even with tears in our eyes and pain inside of our hearts.

We're strong black women who aren't strong all of the time. We just deal with life. And that's where we get our strength from. We never give up. Although there are times where we really want to. We don't.

We still continue to keep going even when there's so much weight upon us.
We still continue to keep going even when we're tired.

I'M A STRONG BLACK WOMAN:I'M NOT ALWAYS STRONGWhere stories live. Discover now