Chapter One

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*Beep, Beep, Beep*

Shelby slowly opened her eyes and groaned. Another day of school. How boring. Can't I just stay in bed for the rest of the day?

She knew she couldn't do that though. She needed to get up and go, no matter how painful it was. At least Saeran made it all better...

She rolled onto her side and picked up her phone, looking at various notifications, swiping them away. She lifted her head to see Banana Jin on her wall. She smiled. She loved seeing Banana Jin every morning.

She crawled out of bed, taking a shower and then dressing herself. She always made sure to look her best, hoping Saeran-Senpai would notice her. Maybe today would be the day he did...

She ate breakfast before taking her bag, flying out the door. She walked slowly down the street, down to her school... RFA High. It was, by all standards, a wildly unique school. The academy prided itself on accepting only the most prestigious, successful, skilled students. Because of this, academic pressures lay on every student to do well.

Shelby entered the school through the guarded front gate by scanning her ID card, something all students and faculty were expected to carry on them at all times. She held onto her backpack with both hands as she steamed ahead confidently to the main foyer. That's before she saw him.

Right near his locker was Senpai! She quickly hid herself slightly behind a pillar, staring longingly at him. Surrounding the young boy was a group of girl students, of which Shelby had the most contempt for... how would she ever get his attention when they were always around? She deflated at the thought... she would never be good enough 😔

In a moment's time, she heard Saeran and some girls giggle as he closed his locker holding books and walking away. She dressed so nicely all the time and yet, he rarely if ever acknowledged her existence. Shelby looked away, feeling a mixture of envy and despair. These feelings were not new however. She would simply have to continue on, as she always did. One day, hoping...

She moved from class to class, doing work and taking notes, sometimes scribbling images and constructs of her mind. She was at the school for art, a passion of hers which proved to be a strong suit. She sometimes wondered if, maybe, she drew a picture for him and slipped it into his locker. Would he seek her out? Or just throw it away? The question puzzled her... creating daydreams and scenarios which fulfilled her every fantasy involving them together. It was a love as true as any ❤

She snapped out of her daydream as the bell rang for lunch. She noticed she was hungry, and planned on meeting with friends. She lifted herself up from her desk, hoisting her bag over the shoulders and walked out of class. The hallways proved chaotic, with students bustling all around to all different places. She quickly darted between several lines of people in order to get into the correct travel lane. Even like traffic laws, students by instinct followed set directions to travel up and down.

Shelby made her way through the crowds, hoping to reach the canteen as fast as possible. She made her way through various gaps, as chatter passed her by. In her haste, she suddenly felt her shoe clip another student's, as the weight of gravity took her down. Oh no! She fell into a semi-empty area thankfully... she could still feel her face heat up red as she began picking up her papers. As if things couldn't get any more embarrassing, she couldn't believe who appeared in front of her.

"Oh my, did you need a hand with this?"

It was... him... S-Saeran-Senpai!

Her face lit up in surprise and embarrassment as she realised her long time love was now holding out his hand, offering to help her up. She felt frozen in time. For a moment, she couldn't move, only staring at him. She finally moved her hand to his, her eyes remaining locked saying no words. The moment had finally arrived...

He helped her lift her things back up as she steadied herself, holding a binder close to her chest and looking at him before uttering out her only words thus far.

"T-thank y-you.."

"No problem! Say, how about I join you for lunch hm? It might be fun!"

End of Chapter One.

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