Chapter Two

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Shelby's heart nearly stopped upon hearing the words. Saeran-Senpai had asked... her? Out of all the other girls he knew? She had to wake up out of this dream she was in. This all seemed too unreal.  It couldn't have been happening. Maybe this was a cruel hallucination, a vivid daydream. But it seemed all real. His soft skin touching hers, his ice blue eyes, messy white hair... it was him. Actually him!

She took a deep gulp and a breath before answering.

"Y-yes! Of course!"

"Great! How about we head now then? Here, I can hold your things."

He suddenly took the binder out of her hands as she continued to stare at him. This was still happening and was totally real...

She walked slowly beside him as he moved gracefully through the crowds. Shelby noticed various looks from other female students, some showing dejection, surprise, bewilderment and even anger. Now they knew how she had felt for the longest time, and it felt good. >:)

She continued to follow him before they both entered the large and open canteen. It bustled with talking, laughter, and students pacing back and forth in every direction. Naturally she felt uneasy in such a large crowd, most especially with Saeran-Senpai next to her. He looked around, an aura of authority and confidence around him before he spoke.

"How about we eat outside? I think that's a good idea. Such a nice day isn't it?

Shelby could only nod her head and agree. Today being a nice day was an understatement. Perhaps it was the best day in her life so far.

She followed him as he went into the lunch line. Now becoming more calm, she noticed that so far, he hadn't said many words to her. Little conversation and silence permeated from him, but why? Was he nervous too? Was she scary? It couldn't be... he was the one who approached her, wanting to eat with her specifically. Surely something was going on but she couldn't tell. Was this some sort of sick joke, done by the girls? She would be heartbroken forever... the thought of it was humiliating.

They both received their platters of food, still in silence, before he looked back and spoke.

"C'mon Shelby, keep up! I wouldn't want to lose you, haha!"

He had said her name! He knew her name!

She roused herself, nearly jolting upon hearing her name exit his mouth. She lifted her head high and began following him out the door, earning more bizarre glances from those who knew Saeran. She simply ignored them. They would be dealt with later.

They entered into the large, open courtyard before choosing an empty round table near a corner. They laid down their bags and sat down on the metal benches. Shelby noticed he lifted his head as he lifted his fork up.

"Now, I know you might be wondering why I might have asked you to come along with me. The reason is simple... I think you're really pretty. And I want to know you better."

She could feel her mouth drop. She knew that he could be this open but... she was amazed. She had no words to say.

"I just want to know too. What do you think of me?"

She was hit again, verbally. She had so many emotions to show but no way to even say them in words, directly to him. She opened her mouth to say the only thing that came to mind.

"I-I think you're cool!"

Cool? That's all she could muster? Her long time love, the boy of her dreams, was in front of her and she called him just "cool" ? Oh Shelby. Oh dear.

"Ahaha! Thank you! That really made my day. Especially coming from you." He said smiling brightly to her. She felt like exploding.

Both continued to talk to eachother, although it remained relatively light. She was still rather shy after all... and with Saeran being so brutally honest about his feelings towards her, she couldn't gather the words necessary to contribute to a conversation. And so both left it.

After eating , he stood up and stretched. She noticed how thin his body was. He was tall, with a black leather brace around his neck. In all honesty, he was very attractive... and she had a difficult time averting her eyes when she was around him, never mind in front of her!

"Okay, time to go to class for us both. Ahh, how lame... but it's okay! I had a great time with you today, you know. I hope we can eat again another time. Good bye for now, Shelby." He said smiling. Another time? How about tomorrow? Not another time!

"T-thank you! It was fun!" She said before waving to him. He walked away waving back as he slipped out the doors. And then he left. He was gone...

Shelby picked up her bags, dissapointed she hadn't said anything. She felt so... locked up around him. Almost as if only monosyllables could leave her mouth. She felt like such a fool... those other girls talked so easily to him.

She walked out of the canteen as she entered into the hallway going to her next class. She hadn't even gotten his number... who knows when the next time will be that she would see him? Eat with him? Speak to him? She didn't know, and that made her very sad. Dang.

She glanced at her phone before reaching her next class. Naval training. Maybe she could speak to a friend to get help... insight... answers... something!

She gripped the door handle and entered the room, the plaque reading "Naval Aviation & Tactics: Adm. Alexander"

End of Chapter Two.

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