Chapter Six

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Shelby looked into her long mirror cast on the door. She made sure to wear casual clothes while still looking presentable for a party. This party wouldn't last the night anyway... but she wanted to look good regardless.

As she was finalizing some touches on her outfit and hair, she suddenly heard a loud horn outside of her window. As she looked to the right, she saw a black sedan with slightly darkened windows. It was him no doubt... she couldn't believe she would actually be inside of his car! Not so long ago, she couldn't imagine speaking to him, let alone going to a party with him. And this one would be sure to end well for her...

She ran outside, saying good bye to her parents. She opened the car door as Saeran greeted her.

"Hello Shelby! You look nice tonight."

Her face flushed as she looked down slightly.

"Oh, thank you... you look.. nice too!"

"Thank you. You know too... you'll have to get into my car if we're going to get there." He said motioning her in. She climbed into the seat still embarrassed, as she looked out of the window smiling.

"Ready then? Let's get going." He said shifting the car into gear and driving away.

After some time driving and confusing navigation, the pair finally arrived. The house lay at the end of a strangely remote street, lit up by various colored lights and partygoers outside enjoying a variety of drinks talking casually. Saeran pulled up in front of the house as he put his car into park, glancing over at Shelby.

"So... are you ready to go?"

She took a deep breath in before speaking.

"Yes, I am."

"Okay. Oh, no need to open your door. I'll do it for you." Saeran said exiting his car, circling around to open the passenger side door. He opened the door as he offered a hand out to help. She gripped onto her purse with her left hand as she held onto Saeran's with her right. They both began walking toward the front door as they received greetings from the various guests.

As they entered the house, the party in front of them was that of a typical high school one... people laughing, conversing, and drinking. She looked in disgust at the various people surrounding them, most especially the girls. She was only here for Saeran of course... and the plan.

With some time passing, the pair travelled together around the home talking to different students. Shelby didn't enjoy it and stayed relatively quiet... this was all for show anyway. Through uncomfortable smiles and awkward laughs, she remained at Saeran's side. That was until it was finally time. Time for change.

"Hey, I need to use the bathroom. I'll be right back, okay?"

"Okay. Do you need me to go with you? To stay outside I mean, just in case."

"I'll be fine I think. I'll find you when I leave, okay?"

"Okay... just be careful. I'll be here waiting."

She nodded as she walked upstairs, entering a long hallway with several doors. She looked around until seeing the empty bathroom, closing and locking the door behind her. She glanced up and down until seeing a white vent. Perfect! She removed a screwdriver from her purse and unscrewed the vent, tossing in an item. She listened through the wall as the object clanked its way down the air access until hitting a satisfying thud. She nodded in assurance before reapplying the vent to the wall opening.

She returned back to Saeran, smiling and waving. For the remainder of the night, she travelled slowly around the house, secretly placing the same various, strange objects in different unseen areas. No one in this home would have a clue what would happen very soon...

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