Chapter Three

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She entered the classroom as several students sat at desks. Attached to the walls were various older propaganda posters, nautical charts, diagrams, and in the back hung the national flag of Japan alongside a Rising Sun. Various model airplanes were hung on string attached to the ceiling, some bearing the red mark while others a white star against metallic blue. Across from her on top of a large cupboard lay the centerpiece of the class: A large scale model of an aircraft carrier, bearing the red sun across the bow of the deck. The plaque next to it proudly displayed "IJN Akagi "赤城": 1/250 Scale"

To her right lay a podium, the front of it featuring a wood carving of the Imperial Anchor. Behind that podium her friend, Alex, stood.

Not many students had known to what extent he had served as an admiral, though many wondered. Shelby had befriended him for some time, familiarizing herself with his service. A proud, high ranking admiral who had previously served in the Imperial Japanese Navy with a career overseas in the Pacific Ocean, he served concurrently as Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet and Minister of the Navy. Along with naval experience, he brought along knowledge of Aviation and Combined Arms which added a distinct dimension to the already varied school. She had recently signed up for his course to learn more about the topic, though only because a friend taught it. Otherwise, she most likely would not have.

Her eyes cast on him. She noticed his white uniform and cap, the hat featuring the same anchor though embroidered in golden thread. He turned to her and smiled waving, as Shelby did the same. They had been close friends and she trusted him more than most people at school. He also knew about her crush...

"Hey Alex!"

"WOAH HELLO" He said suddenly "You seem excited today. Did something happen?"

"WELL YES BUT AFTER I'LL TELL YOU." She spilled out quickly.

"Okay okay! I'm looking forward to knowing whatever this might be!" He said laughing

"You might not believe it, just be prepared" She said smiling. She walked to her seat and sat down. She wanted to tell him all of it now but she knew she couldn't.

Class soon began as he reviewed over various aircraft, torpedoes, and anti-aircraft guns. The material wasn't the most interesting... but she remained attentive in an attempt to learn as much as she could. As she took notes, her mind drifted off. What was Saeran doing now? Where was he? What did he think of her? How would she get his number? So many questions raced through her mind... it was too much to handle...

"And so, to correct and negate possible errors in entry, the Type 91 featured a unique gyroscopic system which could enter the ocean at any speed with rough distances between the aircraft and ocean surface..."


The school bell rang signalling the end of the day. Students in the class tiredly got up from their seats and trudged out of the class with their books and bags.

"Please make sure to study this material for your first exam!" He yelled out to the students leaving and still in the class. Shelby looked at him as she walked forward quickly, grabbing the sides of the podium as the last students left the class.


He jumped before answering her,

"HEY! Are you okay? You seem crazy today!"

"Maybe I am. I spoke to him today Alex. Saeran-Senpai..." She said trailing off.

"You spoke to him? Are you sure you weren't dreaming?"

"No, it was real! I swear! I fell over today in the hall and was super embarrassed... he helped me up and I... he asked me to go eat lunch with him. Can you believe that!?"

He looked at her with a puzzled face before responding.

"Aw, well sorry to hear you fell over. But yesterday you could barely talk to him and now today you're friends with him? Did I... miss something?"


He took off his cap and brushed his hand through his hair.

"Hmm... this is very interesting for sure. But this is good! I'm shocked honestly."

"Me too! He told me that he wanted to know me better because he thinks I'm... cute." She said noticeably flushing.

"Haha! He actually did? And you didn't collapse there?"

"NO I DIDN'T. Are you impressed? I can handle this." She said smugly, knowing full well she couldn't.

"Very impressed, and also proud. This whole situation seems unreal but I do believe you. You got this." He said tipping his hat and picking up a brown leather suitcase as they both walked out of the room.

"Well thank you admiral" She said smiling "There's one issue though.."

"An issue? What do you mean?" He asked as he closed and locked the door behind them.

"A couple actually. Firstly I can't really talk to him. Barely at least. It's hard to find any words to say when he's around. I don't know..."

"Well I'm sure you'll adjust yourself eventually. Forming a grandiose image of someone from afar tends to lead to this. Just be yourself and I'm certain he'll love talking to you. You're very talented and smart."

"Aw, thank you. I appreciate that." As she smiled in response.

"But... I'm still worried. How can I know if he likes me for sure?"

"It sounds like he does. If he wanted to eat lunch with you and know you better, that must be good isn't it?"

"I guess so... he just makes me so... nervous."

"There's no need to fear. He seems confident but I'm sure similar thoughts have run through his head too. I believe in you."

She wasn't too sure about that. Saeran could always be seen talking to boys and girls in the school, especially girls. Which led to the next problem...

"Hm, maybe. I just don't know about him at all... I'd love to just... know everything!"

"That's impossible unfortunately. You'll have to talk to him more to find out."

She sighed at the thought of initiating something with him. It would take a lot of bravery...

"I know, I know. That's true. The other issue though...."


"His friends. The girls. I don't like them, and they should stop talking to him."

He turned his head towards her.

"Uh, what do you mean exactly?"

"Oh nothing." She said with a smile. :)

"You clearly mean something! They should... stop talking to him?"

"Yes Alex. I've waited so long to talk to him. I can't have anyone ruining that, can I?"

A look of confusion crossed his face.

"You won't do it... Will you?"

A devilish smile crossed her face as she glanced at her friend.

"Will you help me?"

End of chapter three.

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