Move in

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Y/n's pov: "whatever mom, I'm literally 18 now I don't care need to stop treating me like a kid!!!" You yell at your mom. "Well maybe if you weren't being such a baby, then I wouldn't have to treat you like one!" She says. "That's it I'm moving out fuck this!" I yell.

I grab my stuff and leave. I called Conan and told him what happened. "Oh I'm so sorry that's horrible" he says. "Yeah, I have no where to stay, can I stay over, I mean if it's okay with you" I say. "Yeah, your my friend of course you can stay over" he says. "Thank you so much I'm on my way now!" I say. Since I didn't have a car I walked over there. His house  wasn't far, I finally got there and knocked on The door. "Hey" he says opening the door.

"Hey" I say hugging him. "I'm sorry about this but I had nowhere else to go" I say. "You're fine I don't mind having you for a while" Conan says. "Thanks for this it really helps, one I find a job I promise I'll get my own apartment" I say. "You can stay for as long as you want" he says letting me in.

"So, where should I sleep?" I asked. "I actually have a spare room that can be yours" Conan says showing me to the room. "Thank you" I say. "No problem, I feel bad of what your mom did" Conan says. "It's all good, we don't get along" I say. "Oh, I'm sorry about that" he says. "No it's okay" I say. "Really, I'm be fine!" I say. "Okay, well that's your room" he says. I go over there and put my stuff down.

He was super sweet and let me stay there for as long as I needed until I got a job.

Conan Gray imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now