🌚 chapter 20 🌚

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I woke up not in the mood for the bullshit ass vacation I'm just ready to go wherever we're going actually
"Where are we going"
Let me call bronny

Guess what
Bronny-what nigga
Who shatted in yo cereal
Bronny-what do you want
I'm coming to Cali for the summer
Bronny- yalll Shay and gabby coming for the summer
Lebron- y'all coming fr
Yep see you in a lil bit old man
Lebron-it's something you not sayin
Yea we'll old man umm where going with my ex boyfriend and his family
Lebron-that is
Sharife cooper and his family
Bronny- I get to met t'ea cooper
Yes if you want too
Mikey- hey Shay
Hey lil nigglet
Mikey- plz stop calling me that
You love me don't you
Mikey- if I did you wouldn't know
Bronny- unt un don't get to doin that on my phone
Anyways I gotta get ready for this flight at6:30
Savannah- you do realize it 6:00 riii
Yea..... wait six I'll call y'all back love y'all bye
James family and Mikey- byeee
I got up and brushed your teeth and took a shower

Rife🤤✨😍is calling
"Are y'all read"
"Alr we otw"
"Ok ,Bye"
I just rolled my eyes and put on a red basketball shorts black socks on red one black slide and I half red half black hoodie and the the door bell rung
I wasn't gon answer it
"Shay get the door"
"Dammit ma"
I opened the door to see rife in gray joggers and a black hoodie and Omar in black and blue and t in jeans and a hoodie
And mya in the same thing
"Ma and Lara their here"
Why'd you call her Lara ohh that's her middle name
Then my mom came from around the corner with her hair in a bun
Lara let's go
Whoa geniven chile can't rush perfection she said coming down the stairs with her suitcase
Chile  look like you rolled outta bed and forgot to brush your teeth let's go
Out bad
Naw why you do that gurl like dat
We went do the car and put our stuff in and went to sit down in the car a mya was next to rife I was going to sit next to mya far from rife until
You wanna sit right her
Naw it's good
I just sat down right there and listened to my "NIGGAS AINT SHIT🤮✨✌🏾" playlist 
I guess rife seen it cause he laughed then looked away I skipped through eight songs to get too one song( if you don't do this you officially weird) Then we got to the airport and I went to go get Starbucks and then some dude came up to me he was fine

Hi my name is Jeremiah
Hi Jeremiah in Shay
I kinda saw you from a far and thought I'd come talk to you cause you really pretty
Then I felt arms wrap around me
I just rolled my eyes
Boy if you don't get yo heavy ass of me and let me talk to this boy
Nvm it's fine
Look you don scared the boy away  he was fine too y you do that
Cause your mine mine and nothing but mine
Sir sorry to disappoint you but Um I'm single I belong to the streets

No you belong to sharife
Ummm sir  we broke up if we did you wouldn't let me still have me hands wrapped around you 

I looked down oh fuck you 
Gimme kisses pleath
I leaned in and he really though I was going to kiss him I just bent down and hit his ear
Owww nigga
My bad bro
Ohh so we bro's now
Sound about right
I lifted me up  and throw me over his back and I just sipped my Carmel Frappuccino Venti was magnificent
Umm sir can you put me down
Not until you love me
Sharife put me down so I can tell you something
He put me down
I will always have love for you rather it's friendly or it's intimate I will always love you even if you hate me ok
Can I get a kiss
Of course
I missed his kisses I missed his hugs I missed his smile I missed his smell I just missed him
I love you he said as he wrapped his arms around my upper body
I love you too
Y'all finish being mean too each other
Y'all know
Yep It was obvious
But we know y'all would get it together cause y'all are in love with each other
We looked at each other and laughed
Y'all are it's ok remind me of me and your dad in highschool
You know my dad
Y'all two know each other back in jersey until we moved
What why were we not notified of such things
do you remember when you broke your leg and I called  kindall she pointed to sharifes mom
So you can take extra curricular classes figure out im in the 45's but can't figure that out
You have now type of street smarts I'm happy you in 45's they'll probably give you some
She has them she just don't use them
Is it call out Shay day
Yes yes it's is
Wow mom I thought I was your favorite
You are don't tell gabby that you just act so what is the word......special sometimes
Awww don't do the poor baby like that
Ma my mom is being mean to me
Awww Angelica stop doin our baby like dat
Ion even do nun then she got a text and Siri read it out loud
"Omar👍🏾 : stop the cap"
I'm dead pops why you do that
It's ok ma
Boy get yo Heavey as off me
Every body pu they weight on ma
We did that and in the middle of airport we all feel ou t and laughed then my phone went off it was Instagram and a picture of us in the group hug and then us on the floor dying
Caption:I love this family together Shay and rife really put a while family together can't wait to see their kids

User1:when's the wedding
Yaboiijay:favorite couple
Hater3:can't wait to see their kids

Y'all look at this and then these comments
Who took that
Ion know I just know they wildin in these comments
Not when is the wedding
Hol up not the can't wait to see the kids
So when ar and he kids
It's y'all wanting me pregnant for me
From what I be hearin how are you not pregnant
We ion even be doin it that much
How many times a week
About four
Is she ok down their
She is good if you ask me he gave me a look
Nasty just nasty
Boy get on this plane

All because of a bet 🤤| Sharife Cooper Where stories live. Discover now