🎵🎶Strange things did happen here🎶

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Book three pt 1:
Well, if I am being a hundred percent honest, this one was not my favorite. But I did really like the scene where Jennifer Lawrence preformed The Hanging Tree. Favorite part. I loved it. It was amaze balls. Hehe amaze balls those are fun words. =) anywho, I liked this one pretty okay because you saw what the capital did and you figure out that Joanna Mason is alive, Annnie Cresta, and drum roll please; Peeta Mellark, the boy with the bread, whatever you want to call him.
Anyway, some things I was not a fan of in this one:
Peeta, they took his mind a way from him. That broke my little heart. Like the ending to the film was so sad, because the book still has another half, well people that watched in the theaters had to wait a whole other year. Huge cliff hanger. Ugh I hate those, unless when I write the cliff hanger. Then I like them, because they are funny. Especially when you watch someone read it and look at their face when they are done they stare at you and it is kind of hysterical. Sorry, I keep getting side tracked opps. My bad.
Okay another thing I didn't really like was felling the struggle that Katniss really went through it shows you that the games really did a number on her.(stupid capitol) Also, maybe it's just me, but I felt like Finnick and Haymige did not have a huge role. And this one over all was just sad. in My opinion, that is


Hey! Hope Y'all enjoyed this! if you could, please tell me how to improve in the comments. And so I can brag and say "hey, I have comments on my review what do you have, oh..oh that's right nothing ha!" to my big brother. As much as I love him,I like to brag to his face!

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