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Book/movie pt. 4

This one was like really good. I did have some issues with it though but we'll get to those later.
First off, this one had a really good story line to it. I also really liked the part where Katniss shot President Coin. Me personally I never liked Coin, she just gave one of those weird vibes y'know?
Any way I literally loved when Katniss just walked out, and every one thought she was gonna hit Snow, but when she hit Coin they were all like whaaaa? Well, I mean, Most everyone thought she was gonna hit snow. I am pretty sure I jumped for joy when Coin died, I was so happy about that. I know that it sounds morbid that I was happy when some person died, but I mean it was Coin so, I should have an excuse for that one.

Things that I was very upset about:
I swear he was my favorite. I was so sad when he died. And something about the movie was, he had what critics call Superman moment where it's like a power moment when everyone is like YESS! Like he was very heroic in that moment. And then like, she killed him. I used to love you Suzan Collins, you have ruined our relationship. Okay I need to get back on track.

I also did not like when Prim died, Finnick had a reason, he was saving people, and Prim just like, didn't. Suzan Collins talking to her evil book writing self:
"Hey I got a great idea! Why don't we kill the main characters little sister and add to the grief she has to live with for the rest of her life."
"Oh, yeah, that's a great idea."
And the rest of us were all like
"Ya stupid"

Hey ya'll, hope you liked today's rant, leave in the comment wether you are team Peeta, or Gale.
Again you don't had to

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