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You,Molly,Giovanni and his 'minions' were thrown into some kind of cell barrier "Enjoy your stay in your cell! I'm off to learn about dinosaurs!" Indus ran over to the Dinosaurs as he giggled "Aw man! My first mission as captain and i get captured and now sitting on my unconscious men!" He huffed as  he sat on his men you just sat on the floor sighing and wondered to yourself if this always happened to your brother you snapped out your thoughts as Giovanni pointed at you and Molly "Congrats you two are now my two new boys!" Giovanni said as he smiled, you shrugged not minding at all you were already part of the Banzai gang "So what's her Banzai name gonna be?" You asked pointing to Molly "My What?" She turned her head towards you, you just shrugged in response "It's just a Banzai thing i learned about just before we came here" "So little girl what is your name?" He asked "I thought it was minion boy" She replied "Noo! your real name what does everyone call you by?" "Oh my name is Molly" Giovanni made a 'ugh' sound "You sound like a sweater! i can't have a minion named "Molly" Giovanni was walking back and forth as he thought to himself "Let's see your quite.......and you were a bear hoodie" "i like bears" She smiled and made a cute face "I'VE GOT IT! your name is Beartrap!" he smiled  "Okay!" you could tell she liked the name "Okay so you two find out a way to get us out of here and i will wait here and help you out if needed and take all the credit for your work" Giovanni said as he placed his hands on his hips like it was nothing "Oh! so it's like working in retail!" Molly said "Wha?" you really didn't really understand business stuff because well it boring! "Yeah you got it!" Molly thought a bit and you pretended to know what you were doing as well "Okay i got an idea" she turns to the barrier "Excuse me! Mr.Tour guide!" She called "Oh! yes prisoners? enjoying your stay? can i get you anything? A glass of water? more barriers?" He asked "Actually i had a question" You agreed with her "Yeah a uh......important one!" you said playing along with what Molly was doing "Yes! ask away!" "That woman she's your boss right?" "Yes! She is my master! she beat me in a Honorable duel, now i stand by her side and one day be strong with her, and i am her most trusted body guard and right hand man and for that i train like she asked me to such as "training doing the laundry" and "training doing taxes" but i have not yet mastered the taxes" Indus kinda looked away from Molly "I do my family's taxes too, i have so many return files to do" She sighed, Molly looked very tired "Yeah! those are grown up words!" He smiled pretending to know what was going on "Yeaaaah i totally know what those are hehehe" You said looking away "So she's your master, right?" "Yes!" "An he was trying to attack her" Molly pointed at Giovanni "Yes!" "But i used my Epithet to help her from taking any damage" "Yes!" Indus repeated "So you us a favor" She said "Hm. I guess that makes sense" Indus shrugged "So i was thinking maybe....letting us go" She smiled "i Don't know lady Mera gave me orders to do the exact opposite" Indus placed a hand on his chin as he walked a little away from the barrier "Oh okay sorry for bothering you then" Molly said quietly and went back to sitting on top of the sleeping men "WHAT NO!" "YOU ALMOST HAD HIM" You an Giovanni cried "Listen up! you want to protect that lady right?" He asked Indus "More than anything!" Indus Replied as he got closer to the barrier than "Well you better go back there!" You said "Yeah before the really dangerous thing gets her" Giovanni smiled playing along with your act which really got Indus "WHAT IS THIS REALLY DANGEROUS THING!?" He cried "It's uh......" you didn't know "Quicksand?" Giovanni shrugged "NO NO IT's MINIONS LOT AND LOT OF MINIONS" Molly said waving her arms around "Yeah a bunch more than you saw!" You said adding on "Yeah like ten!" Giovanni said, you and Molly elbowed him in the stomach "HUNDRED, TEN HUNDRED MINIONS" Giovanni yelled finally getting the idea "OH MY GOSH THAT IS A LOT!" Indus yelled in a panic "I HAVE TO GO SAVE LADY MERA!" "BUT you first gotta let us out!" you said Molly agreed with you "Yeah it's the rules" Molly added "We gave you that sweet minion tip for free so that makes two favors and two favors and bigger than one order" Giovanni said "I......i guess i can" Indus lowered the barrier and grabbed You all by the scruffs like baby kittens an sat you all gently down on the ground "Stay here and don't cause any trouble! I'M COMING LADY MERA!" Indus cried as he ran down the hall "Well that was easy" You smiled and you placed your pockets of your wolf hoodie "Hm it seems that they are after then necklace so it must be worth a lot! So if we can find where that lady is at and take her down we can swoop in and grab the necklace!" Giovanni said to himself "I dunno i still feel bad about lying" Molly sighed "Oh beartrap you don't need to feel bad about that your a bad guy now! that's what bad guys do" Giovanni smiled "Then um can i borrow your phone i wanna uh....order a pizza" She asked clearly lying "Ohh! Pizza sounds nice" Giovanni handed Molly his phone "Pfft who is she gonna c-" you were cut off by her saying into the phone "Hi police i would like to report a-" Giovanni snatched the phone right out her hands and hung up "Don't call the cops! they'll arrest us on the spot" "But me and (Y/N) Didn't do anything wrong" Molly said as she points to you "Well you guys just broke outta prison" Molly gasped "You're right! i'm a monster! this mask has become my face" She panicked "Okayyyy. I say we should get outta here and see where that crazy lady get that amulet because i don't want that lady stealing ou- i mean your Epithet's" You left the part out that you had an Epithet because now was not the time to tell them "Alpha's right! Let's get a move on you two before the buff guy comes back" Giovanni said then leading you two out the Dinosaur exhibit and into the dark quite museum where just about anyone could be larking in the dark  

To be continued 

Finally done with another chapter!!!! I'm so glad you all are enjoying this book! i work rally hard on it and i'm so glad to see you all love it!  have other stories that are coming in the future but for now it's bye bye and Goodnight! (It's night time for me right now) p.s i don't know if you care but tomorrow is my birthday! yayyy another year older 🎆🎆🎆🎇🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈 

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