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4 years later

Kj and ceonie had the best honeymoon. Ceonie is pregnant and is now carrying kj's baby girl. Kj is slowing down with the streets and is focusing more on his family and going to college to get his degree. Nasia turned 8 & chase is 6 now. They moved further away from where they were currently staying and further then kjs trap house. They now own a big mansion with 6 bathrooms 2 powder rooms ( its a bathroom with a sink and toilet) 12 bed rooms. And indoor and out door pool. A very big living room, dining room, and patio. A indoor gym. A pool house and a backyard that you can see most of the city. with 2 garages.


Ceonie POV

I was sitting in the passager side of kj's truck as we were waiting in the parking lot for the bell to ring for her to be released from out of school.

"Cee If you don't get your damn feet off my dashboard" Kj yelled at me.

I laughed. " boy I aint moving shit yo baby decides that she doesn't want to stay still so I need to get comfortable" I said

"You better be lucky yo ass is pregnant with my baby girl" he said as he rubbed my stomach.

The bell rung for all the students to be released and they waited for nasia to come running out to the truck. We soon seen her little light skin self running out to the truck.

She got in and proceeded to talk like always.

"Hi mommy & Hi daddy" she said pecking me and Kj on the cheek.

"Hi baby sister" she said towards my stomach causing Kj to chuckle.

"Mommy how did the baby get in your stomach did you swallow it" nasia asked me.

"Yeah she sallowed it alright babygirl" Kj said laughing causing me to punch him in the chest and making him choke on his drank.

"Daddy choking on somthing big over there" I said laughing. Nasia got in her seatbelt and Kj pulled off in the direction towards chase school.

"I'll go get him" Kj said as he got out the car and walked in.

"Mommy chase teacher likes daddy" nasia said to her

"She what" I asked her.

"Yes one day when you was at work and daddy came to pick us up she asked me did daddy have a girlfriend and I said yes my mommy and she's crazy" she said to me doing the loco signs making me laugh.

"I am not crazy little girl come on let's go in there" she said getting out of his truck and waiting for nasia to get out. When she finally got out we walked inside the daycare. By the way chase birthday is late that's why he is still in daycare he had to wait until next year.

"Goodafternoon Mrs.Williams" ms.nacy greeted her.

"Goodafternoon ms.nacy you seen keon walk back out" ceonie asked.

"No he's probably still in your son classroom" she said and I begin to walk back there. I walked in and seen the girl all on Kj but it looked like he wasn't paying her no mind so I walked up behind her and pulled her wig off. Kj eyes opened big as hell when he saw what she was doing.

"Eh chill out" he said as he grabbed me and pushed her out the classroom. She came out the classroom selling out trying to fight me and I was so ready.

"You is not fighting and I'm not letting her touch you so go get your pregnant ass in the car and get my kids in there too" he yelled at me causing me to punch him in the mouth.

"Wait hold up" another teacher said as she grabbed me.

"What happened" Ms.nacy asked and I begin to walk out the door to his truck. I let The kids get in first then made them put on their seatbelt. Then I proceeded to get in. A minute later Kj came out of the daycare looking mad as hell but I don't give a fuck. He got in the truck and begin to drive home. It was a silent drive home I just continued to look out the window until we arrived home. Before he could even fully park I got out his truck and walked into the house. Then I walked up to the room and locked the door I did not want to see his face for the rest of the day eventually he'll catch on and won't bother me.


Author pov

Later that night Kj fed and made sure the children showered then put them to bed.

"Daddy are you and mommy going to get a divorce" nasia asked kj

"No stupid head" chase said to nasia.

"Hey watch your mouth" Kj told chase "And no nasia we are not getting a divorce and never will mommy is just having her mood swings because of the baby" kj said to nasia

Ceonie stood at the door watching and hearing everything.

"Daddy I love mommy she's the best mommy I ever had and she doesn't be mean to me or let people touch me like my first mommy did" nasia said to him.

"I love you too and of course Ill never let people touch you & I love you too big head" she said too both chase and nasia. Kj just kept quiet.

"Ok now go to sleep y'all have school in the morning" she said too both of them as she kissed them and walked out Kj did the same and proceeded to walk to the guest room until ceonie stopped him.

"I'm sorry about hitting you" she said to him as they both looked in each other eyes.

"I love you" Kj said to ceonie.

"I love you too" she said back to him.

They walked to their room and got in bed. Kj pulled ceonie close to him as possible as he could and they fell asleep.

The end

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