Alec Lightwood

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Alec had hurtled himself back into his work, turning down any frantic questions from Jace and Isabelle about Magnus. He trained more, went on more missions, he stood up more in council meetings too. It had been three weeks since he broke up with Magnus, it was for the best. He did love Magnus more than anybody in the world and he still does, but he knew it wouldn't work no matter how much they loved each other. He was doing it because he had to. Before the breakup he had noticed more and more that Magnus wasn't being included or accepted by his parents or by his fellow Shadowhunter's although Isabelle and Jace did, he and Magnus were constantly watched everywhere they went, he would over hear comments from other Shadowhunters. He also knew even though how many times Magnus would deny it, Magnus was also being excluded from Downworlders business and parties, Magnus had wanted to take Alec to one before but they were turned away at the door, just because Magnus was dating him, Alec didn't want to put Magnus through it anymore. A couple days before he broke up with him his dad had come to see him.

"What do you want dad?" Asked Alec.

"How long are you going to carry this on for Alec?" he asked.

"Carry what on?" asked Alec.

"Magnus Bane. Alec you of all people should know a relationship between a Downworlder and Shadowhunter can never happen, you are only going to put yourself through more painful times. Don't tell me you are ok, I know what people are saying." said Robert.

"So what! I love him." said Alec.

"I know that, but you can't. Alec, you are never going to get anywhere in a higher ranking then a soldier, As a Lightwood you have a duty to up hold. You have to remember that 'The honor isn't in the name, it's in the deed.'"

"What are you saying, just get to the point already ok." answered Alec.

"As a Lightwood you have an honor and name to live up to and uphold. I can't have my eldest son prancing around with a Downworlder, Magnus Bane and who is a guy." he said.

"So this isn't just about Magnus, is it? It's about the fact that I'm gay." answered Alec, he had never said this so plainly towards his dad before.

"Alec, you need to think about this. Think about you're children and their children, Don't you want children? think about Isabelle, if you continue down this path you are going to bring the Lightwood name down with you." answered Robert. 

Alec stared at his dad, 'He needs to help his sister, if he doesn't do anything his parents are going to turn to Isabelle and expect her to uphold the Lightwood name. His dad was right about one thing he is the eldest and as the eldest he looks after his siblings and Isabelle he will always look after, protect and put her happiness before his.'

"What would you have me do," asked Alec, he straightened his posture and made himself look as confident as possible. 

"For starters," Robert said. "End you're relationship with Magnus Bane, You need to work you're way up the ladder. Train harder, work harder. Remember emotions cloud our judgment, if you want to be a leader you need to act like one." said Robert coldly. 

Alec drew in a deep breath, 

"Fine," said Alec. 


Alec was in the training room practicing his accuracy with his bow and arrow, obviously getting it in the center every time. Jace came running into the training room. 

"Alec! you need to come right now." said Jace.

"Why?" asked Alec.

"Catarina, she says it's about Magnus." 

Jace didn't have to say anything more he was already running out of the training room. 

Catarina stood with Isabelle in her room, she turned to face Alec and Jace who came walking into the room. 

"Catarina, what's wrong? is Magnus....Is he ok" asked Alec.

Catarina gave him a worried look. She handed him a note. Alec hesitated but took it and read it, he couldn't believe what he was reading.


'Catarina, don't worry I am fine. I have just decided to take a break from this mortal world and join my Father in Edom, I leave my apartment in you're care.' -Magnus

"What is this?" asked Alec.

"It's what it says, Alec, Magnus has gone to Edom with Asmodeous." said Catarina. 

"What?! Magnus would never do that, go to Edom with Asmodeous, he told me about him, Magnus despises his father and he never addresses him as father." said Alec, touch of fear in his voice.

"I think Magnus is falling back into his older ways, I should of told you sooner but after the breakup he wasn't doing ok, he would say he was fine but he isn't. Alec I fear he is going down a path he won't be able to come back from." said Catarina. 

Jace and Isabelle looked from Catarina to Alec.

"Alec, it's not you're fault." said Jace.

"Yeah we don't know that this is why he went." said Isabelle, she went to put her hand on Alec's shoulder but he stepped back.

"No! this is my fault, I did this. And I am going to fix it, I am going to get Magnus back." said Alec, running out of the room. 

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