Seelie court entrance to Edom

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Alec's POV

Alec made his way through the forest, pushing vines and branches out of his face. He had his black hunting gear on and his quiver holding his arrows slung around his back and his bow, tightly in his hand. He knew entering the Seelie court was dangerous and he left a night so no one would stop him from going. Rescuing Magnus from Asmodeous clutches was all he cared about, he hadn't realized how much he missed Magnus until Caterina had told him Magnus may be in danger, nothing else matters to him except Magnus. He thought if he threw himself back into work, trained harder, made his parents proud that he would somehow forget about Magnus and what he had. He should have never broken up with Magnus, His father wanted him to hide who he was, pretended he was someone he wasn't, he wanted him to live a lie. He had been living a lie his whole life until he meet Magnus, Downworlder or not he loves him and nothing can ever change that. 

He made his way to a clearing where he was greeted by one of the queens knights, he lead him to the thrown room where the Seelie queen sat upon her thrown. Her claw light hands folded neatly on her lap. 

"What brings you here Shadowhunter?" she asked.

"I need to get to Edom." answered Alec.

"An Angel boy wants to enter a realm filled with demons, and where he is vulnerable and could very well die," she answered, a smirk on her face. 

"Yes." he said, clutching his bow tighter. His dagger on his weapons belt digging into the side of his leg.

"Why should I let you use our entrance to the demon realm?" she demanded. "The Clave will have my head, if they knew I let a Shadowhunter die." 

"They won't, I am doing this on my own account. There is someone there I need to find." Said Alec. "I can assure you, no harm will come to you." 

She starred at him, "Fine you are allowed to use it, Maliorn show him the way." she snapped. 

Alec followed the soldier out, and down a dark moss covered walk way. He stopped turning to Alec.

"Walk down there and you will enter at the entrance of the demon realm, I would wish you goodluck but I do not." and with that the Seelie knight had already vanished. 

Alec drew in a deep breath holding his bow by his side and made his way down the path.

As he made his way out into the vast desert like surroundings, red storm clouds were overhead, the ear-piercing sound of demons filled his ears, he was all alone in a demon filled realm. And with that he made his way towards the castle in the distance, it was going to be a long walk, he was getting tired as he made his way over the sand dunes. He stopped and took out his steelie drawing a stamina rune on his forearm. To only watch it fade moments after.

"Dammit." he said under his breath. "It's a demon realm Alec what do you expect?" he said to himself. He continued to walk down towards the castle, he had come across a few demons but handled them pretty well, although he wished he had asked Jace to come with him at least then he wouldn't be alone. 

The castle loomed over him, "I'm coming Magnus." he said before making his way inside. 

P.S sorry for the short chapter, the next one will be longer.

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