The First Night

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Le official second chappie

(Warning small amounts of cussing used however it is kinda cencored. If you know what it says then you know what it says yknow, anyway le author is out)

As the sun went down, the mysterious world of terraria dimmed, only to then go dark. The first night had begun. The moon rose and was a full moon as a cold atmosphere took place of the intriguing atmosphere that was the daytime.
"Brrr its kinda cold"
[Well the night is cold what did you expect?]
"No temperature difference tbh"
*growling sounds can now be heard outside*
"Aaahhhh what the heck?!!?"
*peers through door window*
"Ohh $#!+"
*panicks and walks to guide*
"Ummm whawazzat" *still shock*
[What do you think it was]
[A zombie. *we arent playing who's that pokemon atm*]
"Ah okay then, well hat ta tell ya this they are banging da doors wot do i do"
[Dont open the door unless you wanna die]
⚠ it isnt hardcore so andrew will die a lot of times in this story as he can respawn ⚠
*is already outside flailing about*
"La di da di daa you oll be ded lololol"
*takes a bit of damage and freaks out*
"Ow aaaaahhhhhh what the flip"
*attempts to run back home to trip*
"No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no dontgetme dontgetme dontgetme dontgetme dontgetme dontgetme dontgetme dontgetme dontgetme dontgetme plz plz dontgetme dontgetme plz owwwwww"
*everything goes black*
"Am i dead already man that wasnt long at al- wait a minit"
*finds a door for respawn*
"Eyyy a door"
*walks through it and wakes up in guides house*
"Huh what happened guide what did u do"
[I brang u inside and then u woke up like you ran outta energy or somethin]
"Idk whatevs cos last i remember i was getting attacked and then i saw a door and i was in a blank dark room and i went through it and now im here??" *ends off confused about something* "i also saw an eyeball thing wth was dat"
[Demon eye]
"Ok also its daytime so ive been out for a while soo yeah" and with that a new day arises

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