Felix Domesticus

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Fourteen years after Certified Baby

"Who wants to hold her?"

"Me!" Louis jumped up and down.

"Um..." 'Who' hadn't brought Louis into consideration. There were still four adults and two teens in the room who hadn't held the baby; the question had been more aimed at them. It was good that Louis was taking interest in his little sister, but his parents were unsure the three-year-old had enough arm strength to safely hold a baby.

"How about you and I hold her together?" Sabine offered.


"Go sit at the the end of the couch. I'll bring her over."

Louis bounced over to his seat. Relieved, Marinette handed the baby to her mother.

"Here we go!" Sabine scooted right up next to her grandson and placed her granddaughter on both their laps.

Louis gazed at the little human in awe, running a finger over the top of her head. "Why doesn't she have any hair?"

"She will, babies don't always have hair when they're first born. She's got just a few starting to come in, look."

"Why's she wrinkly? Why's she so pink?"

"This is the way babies look in a natural birth. You were this way too. She'll start looking like other babies in a few days."

"Okay, that's good." Louis lightly kissed the top of his sister's head. "Don't worry Emma, you're going to be cute, just like me."


"Don't worry about it! I've got everything under control. Go ahead and enjoy your evening."

"Well, we really can't keep a client waiting, but call if there's trouble, okay?"

"Felix, are you sure you can watch both by yourself? Maman and Papa had to go to a business meeting, but I was only planning on the movies. Maybe I should stay home too."

"No! I went to the boys' night, it's only fair you should go to the girls'. After all the trouble Annabella went to planning this, she'll be disappointed if not everyone shows up. Besides, Louis isn't going to be any trouble! He promised he was going to help take care of Emma. Right, Louis?"

Louis looked over from where he was standing on the couch, peering into Emma's playpen. "Why does she sleep so much?"

"See, he's already keeping an eye on her. Okay, bye!"

As soon as Bridgette was out the door, Louis jumped off the couch. "You said you'd teach me a board game."

"Sure!" Felix answered. "Which one do you want to play?"



"I have to get Emma's bottle."

Then, a few minutes later...

"She needs to be burped."


"I've got to change her diaper."

Louis loved Emma, he really did. She was so cute! Even though she was so needy, that typically wasn't a problem for him. With four bigger people in the house, he could always find someone to pay attention to him, even if she was already occupying someone else. Now there was only one bigger person and one littler person; he had to compete with his little sister for his big brother. Every time Felix came back to their game, he was distracted. He forgot what moves he had just made, and by the time he figured out where he was, Emma was crying for him again.

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