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yosemite : travis scott
'i feel like im chosen, im covered in gold'

i woke up early so i laid in bed for a while, thinking about everything. i was still confused about mattia. he's still a dickhead but after yesterday i think maybe he's less of one. we'll see how today goes.

i got out of bed and got ready and spoke to jess for a bit before leaving for training.

i got to the shooting range and mattia was there waiting for me. im sure i saw him smile when he noticed the necklace around my neck.

"hey" he said, handing me a gun.

"hey" i replied for the first time and he looked a bit surprised but played it off.

i had my turn first and i sent 3 bullets straight through the dummy and mattia had the same impressed look he had on his face last time. i smiled to myself and handed him the gun.

"fuck!" he said in annoyance as the bullet shot in the cheek instead of the head.

"y/n why don't you help him out" the teacher suggested and i looked at him and then her.

"close one eye, it helps" i said vaguely.

he did it and the second bullet wasn't accurate but it was better than before. we finished our session and then went to our fighting session

we got to the room and made our way to the mat we usually go on. we did our fighting practice in our usual silence but it felt more comfortable today, not like we were ignoring each other on purpose. i felt like yesterday helped us be slightly less hostile towards eachother. im still not sure why he kissed me or why it took me a few seconds to pull away. but its not gonna happen again so it's fine i guess. he's a polibio. thats enough of a reason for it to not happen again.

"put the gloves away idiot" he said snapping me out of my thoughts.

i flipped him off and took them to the box. i left and made my way to the dorm.

"your necklace! " jess said as she saw it on my neck.

"yeah" i smiled.

"but i thought he-"

"yeah so did i but i guess not?" i said as i still wasnt sure as to why he didn't.

we talked for some more until it was dinner time and my stomach was hurting because I'd got my period. i wasn't really hungry either so i decided just to go straight to the tower.

i got there and sat down, holding a pillow against my stomach as i started reading.

15 minutes later there was a knock on the door and it was obviously mattia so i said come in and he came and sat down next to me with his food.

"you acting like this is your place" i said as he pulled out a cushion.

"technically it is half my place now" he said.

"i think the fuck not, i found this place to get away from you not for you to come sit with me" i said.

"tough, i can either go tell the rest of the group about it or you can shut up and let us enjoy it" he said in his usual attitude but it was a little funny.

"i hate you"

"i hate you too"

"why are you even here" i asked.

"don't really wanna see kairi and jess making out while ale attempts to flirt with eliza, i mean its funny but very fith wheeling"

"go find one of your hookups then"

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