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mood swings : pop smoke
'start rubbing on your butt, start massaging your breasts'

-2 weeks-

things were finally going good again. me and jess talked it out after a couple days and i explained everything that had happened and she was so happy for us. we were as close as ever.

"helllooo" mattia and kairi said as they came into the room.

"hi" jess smiled at kairi and they kissed.

"hey" i smiled at mattia and he tilted my head up and kissed me.

"that surprises me everytime omg" kairi said  and jess nodded while me and mattia just laughed.

"what do we have first?" he asked me.

"we have shooting all day dumbass" i reminded him and he rolled his eyes.

i finished tying my hair up and mattia was just talking to kairi and jess and then we left.

"imagine being a dummy" mattia said as we set it up.

"you don't need to imagine" i smiled at him and he put his finger up at me and shoved me and i shoved him back.

we started our shooting and mattia went first and he had gotten so much better and i was so proud of him.

soon it was my go so i got into position and make eye contact with mattia just before pulling the trigger. i had missed the heart and mattia laughed at me.

"stfu" i said and did it again and missed again.

"y/n remember your aim" ms blaumen reminded me.

i nodded and did it again and still missed and mattia kept laughing.

"okay polibio, instead of laughing you can take her into the other room and help her practice away from the distractions" she said to him and he smiled and nodded.

"he is the fucking distraction" i mumbled so she couldn't hear me but he did.

and he seemed very happy about it.

we walked into the room and he shut the door behind us.

"i distract you?" he asked with his hands on my waist.

"yeah cos you're so ugly" i said.

"mhm sure" he nodded and he handed me the gun and stood by the target.

i lined it up and saw him watching me and i pulled the trigger and missed again and he was trying not to laugh.

"stop looking at me!" i said he laughed and walked over to me.

"not you losing your touch" he smiled.

"not you thinking you're better than me"

"not you missing every shot"

"not you acting like it didnt take you 3 months to aim properly"

"not you having to be seperated to work properly"

"not you getting all cocky after im the one who taught you how to shoot"

"not you being annoyed that im better than you"

"not you looking like a fucking troll and distracting me"

"not you admitting you're being distraced by me"

"not you thinking you distract me in the good way"

i lied. he looks so fucking hot. he's wearing all black i just want to kdjfjsjskd.

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