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i wake up go back upstair shower and wear this 

i go back downstairs and i go outside then my phone rings it's devyn kaitie:hey what's up devyn:kait it's colby kaitie:wait what happe- devyn:h-he got hit kaitie:by what devyn:just come to the hospital kaitie:wh-what hospital devyn:UCI kaitie:ok o...

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i go back downstairs and i go outside then my phone rings it's devyn kaitie:hey what's up devyn:kait it's colby kaitie:wait what happe- devyn:h-he got hit kaitie:by what devyn:just come to the hospital kaitie:wh-what hospital devyn:UCI kaitie:ok on my bye i run to my car i get in and rush to the hospital then ondre calls ondre:hey babe we- what's wrong baby kaitie:something happened to colby and i'm on the way to the hospital *sniffels* ondre:ok baby what hospital kaitie:UCI medical care ondre:i'm on my way i'll meet you there baby everything will be ok 


i wake up to kaitie not here which is normal for her so i go look around the house and evryone tells me they haven't seen her i get worried as her car wasn't outside so i then call her phone and she answers in tears i say i ask her whats wrong and she says something happened to a friend of hers colby she was crying so much and i asked her what hospital she told me and i said i would meet her there and that everything will be ok i run to my car and rush to the hospital as i'm about 20 mins close to the hospital everything goes black when i wake up i was in the ambulance truck (if that makes since) 


i get to the hospital and run in i see kat and devyn and go hug them then my phone rings kaitie:uhm hello ???:kait kaitie:wait tony why are you calling me with ondre's phone is everything ok tony:no ondre and i just got in and accident he's unconscious kaite:wait no i'm coming call thomas tony:ok bye i hang up the phone and go back to wear kat and devyn were i start to cry and kat hugs me and so does devyn kat:what happened kaitie:ondre just got in an accident kat:you shou- she is cut of by the door opening and and the ambulance rushing someone in i then realise kaitie:ondreaz omg then thomas and tony come in thomas:hey omg i'm so sorry kaitie girls:we're all sorry i run over to the girls and they all pull me into a big group hug charli:he'll be ok he's strong kaitie:i know this is all my fault he would have never got hurt if only i told him not to come to the hospital thomas:he loves you and he would never leave you hear he will alright dixie:he's right it's gonna be ok kaitie:guys i' was here for colby that's why he came if i wasn't being such crybaby about he would've never gotten hurt madi:nothing that happened here is your fault so stop blaming yourself doc:here for ondreaz lopez i stand and all the other raise there hands doc:three at a time go to see him unless he wants diffrent i get up and she gives us the room number me tony and thomas goes in and he is already awake kaitie:aww baby i'm so sorry this happened to you and it's all my fault i love you so much ondre:baby it's ok it's not your fault it's whoever that asshole who hit me's fault and when can get out of this place doc:you should be out by tomorrow kaitie:awsome ondre:hey babe how's colby doc:he's still out he's got a few weeks before he gets out of here the impact from the car that hit him it damaged his skull so he might just need a surgery to get that back in check tony:we're gonna head out ok thomas:i'll bring some clothes for you kaitie kaitie:thx guys see you tomorrow tony:you sure you don't want come with ondre:i think you should go kaitie:no if you think i won't stay with you on the first and last night here you must be crazy now bye guys see you tomorrow everyone:byee they all leave ondre:god i love you *he whispers* kaitie:i love you to bub he blushes kaitie:i can't believe this happened ondre:neither can i but you know what i can believe kaitie:what ondre:that one day i'm gonna make you my wife and we're gonna have a family together and with that i kiss him and we both fall asleep(this one is pretty short to but i just wanted the ending to be cute)     

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