Part 1 - The Start

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The sky was a shade of gray I've never seen before.

It's as if it knew what was going to happen, just trying to let me know that my life was going to change forever.

But I didn't.

I just felt anxious. I didn't want to transfer to Hogwarts, but I didn't have another option as we had to move out of France.
It was strange.

After everything that happened, I would never have made this decision on my own.
But it's what life wanted from me, I guess.


I woke up early.
Not necessarily because I wanted to, I just had pretty serious problems with insomnia. Even that night, after taking some pills, I only slept for 4 hours.

It was a serious problem, one that my parents were aware of, but not one of the medicine that various doctors prescribed could help me, and my parents were completely against using magic to put me to sleep.
So I had to learn to live with it.

I hesitantly got out of bed and took a long, warm shower. It reminded me of home - when I closed my eyes France was so close. It was almost like I never actually left - my friends were waiting for me, ready to go to another first day of school. My boyfriend was ready to meet me after the first class, my place in the backyard was waiting for me and my friend group, just like every other year.

Except, that it wasn't.

My water turned cold and I had to turn it off, along with my desired reality.
It wasn't my reality anymore, and I didn't have a right to live in it.

I stepped back into my room, gently combing my hair. My clothes were already picked out and ironed, my suitcase filled with everything I could possibly need and more.

A gentle knock on my door sounded at the same time as my alarm, and I turned it off before allowing whoever it was to come in.

"Miss Kaiye, the breakfast is ready," Jacqueline announced with a small smile.

I was glad that she agreed to move with us, as my parents couldn't stop talking about how hard it would be to find another wizard maid to help around the house. They weren't fans of house-elves after all.
Not only that, but she was a big part of my life - sometimes more accepting of me than my parents.

"Thank you, Jacqueline, I'll be down in a minute."

"Excited miss Kaiye?" she asked just as I started closing the door.

"I think nervous is a more fitting word," I smiled back.

"Don't worry, there is nothing you should be nervous about. Hogwarts is magnifique, just like you - and you'll fit right in!"

Just as I was about to thank her for the kind words, I heard a loud meow and Jinx came running into my room.

"Plus, Jinxie will always be there for you," Jacqueline added and I knew that she was right.

I nodded and closed the door, turning around to see Jinx already on my bed. She looked at me with big blue eyes, as if she wanted to tell me something.

"Today is a big day Jinxie," I sighed, walking over to her, "But we'll get through it together..."

I petted her thinking about what else I had to get done. Running my checklist through my head, I got dressed and put on some makeup. I was pretty happy with the result, especially considering that I only got those 4 hours of sleep.

"Good morning," I said while coming down the stairs.

Mom looked at me as she lowered the coffee pot on the table, "Good morning Kaiye."

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