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~Gore Warning!~

I smiled down at the unconscious body on the table, my tools, and equipment on trays next to me. I double-checked the straps, making sure there was no way he could get loose before picking up a scalpel. I knew as soon as I started cutting my patient would wake up. I made sure to sedate him enough so he doesn't pass out, but he still feels most of the pain. I wanted him awake the whole time. 

I pressed the blade to his neck, adding pressure as blood began to leak through. The man groaned before his eyes flew open, the duel colored irises searching the room before making contact with me. 

"M-Midoriya?" he asked, his voice rough. 

"Hello, Todoroki-san!" I greeted cheerfully, not meeting his gaze as I turned back to cutting a deep line from his collarbone to his bellybutton. I listened to Shoto cry out on pain, humming along like nothing was happening. 

Once the incision was made, I pulled apart the skin, revealing his organs, one specific one sticking out to me. I grinned as I saw the pumping muscle, the red bulbous organ hidden inside his ribcage. 

"W-What ar-are you do-doing?" Todoroki gasped out, pain no doubt making it hard for him to function, though I was a little upset he stopped screaming. 

"Well, one of my friends relies on the consumption of others bodyparts in order to keep his going, its how he stays immortal with his quirk! I was given the honorable opportunity to help him with the harvesting process, and right now, he is in desperate need of a new heart," I explained brightly, a smile hidden under the mask I was wearing. 

"Wh-what happened t-to you?" He asked, his voice rising. I laughed as I turned back to my tray, picking up the bone saw next. 

"Do you know how many times society has screwed me over? How many times I was beaten down, ignored, abused because of my quirk status? People like you, with your powerful quirks and your high egos, destroy people like me. I'm tired of it," I said, turning on the saw. I noticed panic and fear attack his face, his eyes sticking to the round handsaw. 

I lowered myself over his open chest, pressing the bone saw against his ribs. One by one they popped out, giving me more access to his lungs and heart. I loved watching the fast constrictions of the heart, how his panic only made the muscle move faster while the lungs began to hyperventilate. I tapped his lungs with my finger. 

"Ah ah ah, don't go fainting on me yet. I need you conscious! Slow your breathing or I'll make you!" I threatened, getting ready to squeeze his lungs. I watched as Todo started thrashing against the bondages keeping him on the table, most likely trying to use his quirk too. 

"Did you know depending on the quirk, there is a chemical that blocks your power? Temporarily of course, but still. I made it myself. For yours all I had to do was turn off your inner temperature regulator, forcing your body to get its temp from its surroundings, like a lizard. Now, your right side can't heat up to create fire, and your left side can't cool down to create ice!" I explained happily, still observing his insides, theorizing which way would be the most painful to cut the heart out of his chest. 

"Y-You're a-a m-m-monst-ster!" he screamed. 

"Oh honey, this is just the beginning!" I said gleefully. I picked up the scalpel again, starting with the top half. I cut through his arteries, first the right common carotid, then the left common carotid, then the left subclavian, then the right, and so on. Next was the ascending and descending aorta, and finally the base of the arch. 

Totoroki started to bleed out, blood squirting from the cuts. He gasped from the pain, his face going pale as his eyes bulged out of their sockets. I watched as the life drained from his multicolored eyes before his body went still. 

I placed the warm heart in the tray next to me, taking off my blood-soaked gloves and pulling down my mask. 

I hummed to myself slightly as I left the room, heart in hands. 

Leaving the dead body of Shoto Todoroki on the table, his insides ripped open and his blood covering the floor. 

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