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Remus finished his homework and laid back on his bed, finally able to relax. Of course his phone had to buzz.



i'm bored and my mate is sucking face with his girlfriend

I don't care.

i wanna know who you are
mysterious man

I could not care less. I want to sleep.

just answer a couple questions

Will it make you leave me alone?



1. do you go to Hogwarts?

Yeah how'd you know? That's really creepy.

bc we have the same area code for phone number
2. lgbtq?

That's abrupt
But yes

which letter


im the g
3. single or taken?

These questions make me feel like you've got a crush on me.
And single.

maybe i do ;)
4. what's your major

You have no idea who I am.

shhhh i'm getting to know you
5. favorite musician

Coldplay, Sleeping at Last, and Hozier

that says a lot about you and i think i fell in love?
mines old stuff and punk but also the same shit as you.
6. how old are you

Punk is cool but my anxiety doesn't like it.

i like it bc it gives me control over my anxiety and i can turn it off if i choose
i'm 20
7. what's your favorite book

Most definitely The Song of Achilles.

i read that and sobbed like a baby back bitch

All done with your questions?

8. would you go to the cafe in the square on saturday at 10am

Why should I?

i would like to know what this mysterious boy looks like



No. For all I know you're some old man stalker person.

lmao i'll send a pic if you're worried

Maybe later. Im going to bed. Night.

good nightttt

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