Hunting for the Spirit

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Astrid's pov:

It was a lovely day on Berk and also..the day my parents had died at sea..And the day my sister Anna, Brother inlaw Kristoff, Olaf, Sven and the rest of my kingdom had died...My life had been ruined...Until I met the gang

They don't know about my magic....Even though I'm fearless Astrid Hofferson , I am a human...I don not want to be called a monster again.. No not agai-




Tuff:Hey ASTRID!*Runs over to her and pants*


Tuff:You gotta come quick Hoff. A, you will not belive who's here

Astrid:Who?? Snotlout's bride?

Tuff:Sadly no...DRAGON HUNTERS!

Astrid:What? Dragon Hunters

Tuff:Yeah and there's a discussion and all big people HAVE to be there..the whole village and apparently we're the BIG PEOPLE cause you know we're dragon rifers

Astrid:Ok, lets go

Hiccup's Pov:

What do you want Viggo?

Viggo:I mean no harm but that magical 5th spirit could be the death of us..You know it's real

Hiccup:I know, but why all of a sudden???

Viggo:This is the day when all of "it" happened! She could hrm us..We have to kill it before it finds us

Hiccup:Hmmm...Berk is in agreement...Let me ask Astrid and Tuff...We need their opinion aswell

*Then I saw by beautiful angel coming with Tuff*

Astrid! Tuff!Thank Thor your here

Astrid's Pov:

Astrid! Tuff!Thank Thor your here

Yeah, I'm here...What's happening?

Dagur:Dragon hunters...You know the legend of the MONSTER the 5th spirit



Hiccup:We are going out to kill it...

*Wait...did he just say*

*He explained to me how it could be a danger and ofcourse Tuff agreed so it was up to me...I knew it would seem odd if I didn't agree so I had no choice...*

What's the plan?

Fishlegs Pov:

It's been 2 month since we have started hunting for the 5th sprit...Butt Astrid seems really upset and nervous...We're all worried for her...Especially Hiccup..He's been checking on her every single night...

I don't know why but..It seems like Astrid is...well...Afraid of us...Whenever we grab a weapon she just freaks out and drops whatever she's carrying...We all feel like something is wrong

Heather's Pov:

I just feel like something is wrong...Astrid NEVER trains with us anymore and she LOVES training...I feel like she's afraid of us..But I mean that's ridiculous right?She's FEARLESS Astrid Hoffesron...I hope she's okay

Dagur:Hey you okay?


Dagur:Astrid?Yeah me too....

Hiccup's Pov:

Is Astrid really afraid of us..of me?

Me and the gang think so..She's been really insecure and quiet...She doesn't come with us on hunting missions for the 5th spirit...Dad sees it too...She doesn't come on dates....And she always wears her arm-wrapping thingies...Have we done something wrong...

Anyways, we've looked everywhere for the 5th spirit but we can't find it..It must know and is hiding....I will not let that monster get away for harming Areandalian(That is not how you spell it, sorry lol) soliders and the kingdom...And now maybe even Berk...

I was skeptical at first about joing hands with Viggo and the rest...But we had no choice...Dad said it will be fine...He is the chief...Plus Viggo wouldn't lie to us..Not about these sorts of things...

Astrid's Pov:

I really am worried..The person that they are looking for to If I tell them the truth..will they kill me???Probably(ASTRID ARE YOU CRAZY WAKE UP!!!NO THEY WOULDN'T!)

They've been really worried about me but I just convince them everything is fine which is hopefully doing the trick for no-




*I open the door to find the gang*

Hiccup:Hey M'lady..*Kisses her on the head* We're going hunting agian now...

Astrid:*Fake smiles*Won't you give up..You haven't found it in two months!

Hiccup:Never give up M'lady! Anyways..You comin'

Astrid:Umm*Come on think of an excuse*Umm...I-I'm not feeling so great today...Go without me?

Tuff:Sad A, I hate being sick


Heather:Oh..Do want us to stay behind???

Astrid:No, no, It's fine...Just go*Fake smiles* Bye


Oh Thor help me   

Astrid Hofferson - The magical spirit - HICCSTRIDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon