Twenty-Four: Spies

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The weeks passed and the weather became more inclement. The sea began to surge around the island, the waves crashing against the cliffs and the rocks without mercy. The skies often remained blue during the day but often at night heavy rains fell, sometimes carrying into the next day. During these storms the winds would howl through the corridors, rattling the single-paned windows and spreading a damp chill throughout the school. The air remained mild, but the dampness seemed to seep everywhere during the rainy season, making it seem cooler than it was. Even though the rains had begun and the winds had picked up, Charlotte knew it was only the beginning, a taster of what the coming winter months would have in store.

The patrons had vanished from the island one night, their departure a relief to many of the students, especially Charlotte. They would be back she knew, and soon, but until then she found she could relax, if only slightly. They would return and disappear once more before the true violence of the winter storms settled on Kingston.

Charlotte's team had committed to training with as much dedication as she had hoped for. Nobody complained of interference from Elmhirst or Bennett as of yet, which gave Charlotte hope and Ethan Jansen was proving to be just as valuable as she had expected.

As training came to a halt one evening, Charlotte turned to him and smiled. "Well?"

"Well, I think you were right in picking who you did," he nodded. "I really can't see how anybody expects to beat us this year".

"Good," she grinned.

"Although, we would be better if you would use your alteration," he smiled.

Charlotte tensed, shaking her head. "I told you..."

"Did you talk to Alexander? He could help".

"James hasn't spoken to me in weeks," she said in a curt tone, trying to forget about James' returned brooding mood.

"I can talk to him... about talking to you. Listen Charlotte, we could really use you," he grinned, trying to encourage her.

"Ethan, you need to stop getting your hopes up. Even if James helped it would be of little use. Either Elmhirst would interfere or my alteration would get the better of him before I had it under control".

"Hey, it looks like we have company?" Eli interrupted, pointing up towards the path. It was hard to see in the evening rain, but on the path there was the outline of a figure.

"It looks like Bennett?" Daiki sighed, moving beside Eli. Eli dwarfed him, though he dwarfed most people. Daiki was a small boy, with pale, sallow skin. His eyes were dark and sharp, his small mouth pinched into a permanent seriousness. He wore his black hair spiked upon his head, carefully orchestrated to appear messy at all times. Charlotte wondered how, even in this downpour, it managed to stay up. Daiki was powerful despite his physical lack of intimidation. He was quick and strong, but his greatest alteration was his power to defy gravity. He could resist the gravitational pull himself, or command any person or object to do the same, essentially giving him the power of flight.

"Of course it is," Charlotte sighed heavily, shaking her head. "It's been a wonder he has left us alone for so long".

"I'll give him something to worry about," Maria grinned, lifting her hands gently. The others watched her warily, and as she dropped them at least twenty forks of lightning fell from the heavy clouds, illuminating the sky in a bright purple light. The noise of the ensuing thunder was deafening.

"God Rodriguez, that's a neat trick," Eli snapped. "You'll be lucky if you're not sent below for that".

"It's a storm, Miller. How do they know I caused the lightning," she exhaled sarcastically, looking at Eli impatiently.

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