Chapter 2

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A pitch black room. No light and it seems like no one is around.

But suddenly, a light shines down from above and over you. "E-Eh?!" You sit in a chair, in front of you a table and an empty chair behind it. You look panicked around, but flinch when you hear suddenly footsteps. A hand grabs the chair, pulls it a bit back and the man you met this morning sits down on the chair. But this time, he has angel wings and a halo over his head. Along with that, his eyes are red.

"E-Eh?! A-Aren't you-" "Yes, I'm the one you bumped into this morning. My name is Kuro. Nice to meet you, L/n Y/n." Kuro smiles friendly at you with his eyes closed. You stare at him with widen eyes and your mouth wide open. He laughs softly and says with a smile: "I know this must be a shock for you. After all, you live in a world where humans can't see us angels."

After a few minutes, you find your voice back. "A-Are you a real angel?!" "Of course I am." You want to tell him something, but you start to realize something and Kuro notice this. "Before you ask, yes, you died. While you were running, you got pushed from a low demon onto the street and a truck hit your head. Your head got smashed and you were dead not a second later." He explains calm to you.

Tears starting to well up in your eyes. "I'll never ... see my family again." You whispers quietly, before you start to cry. Kuro sighs quietly and let you take your time.

After a few moments, you calmed a bit down, but still can't help the tears falling down from your face. "Well, you are dead. Would like to play a game with me, until my boss choose what happens to you?" Kuro ask calm, smiling friendly at you. Looking hesitating up to him, you sigh quietly and nod your head softly. After all, you know that you can't change anything about your death anyways.

Kuro hold suddenly a hand out to you. "Then take my hand and we can start to play~." You hesitate at first, but take his hand and shake it gentle. Kuro smirk and pulls away, snapping his fingers and suddenly, two games appearing in front of you.

"Please choose one game."

Game A: The old classic one

Game B: The new one

Choose your route (Akuma!Matsuno brothers x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora