Dancing Eevee

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It was a normal sunny day when Pikachu decided to go for a walk. It was beautiful, warm and it felt perfect. Then he started to think, " is everything perfect? "he stared into list of everything, "I had a bath, I had fun, I have food and friends. Yeah " He thought, "everything I would want and need. "

when he got back it was time to eat. It was awkward because no one said anything, they just looked at each other. Then he realize that Chespin was gone, he wasn't at the table Pikachu looked around the room and realize that he was in his trainers Pokemon snacks bag AKA Ash's girlfriend. soon enough Chespin saw Pikachu staring at him, so Chespin just made a silly face. Pikachu looked so serious when he walked up to Chespin,

"what pika" said chespin with a mouthful of snacks. Pikachu couldn't stand it anymore as bursted out with laughter, " what I was dying of starvation " said Chespin.

"what are you talking about then dinners done! "Pikachu exclaimed

"wait is that why you were all sitting at the table! I thought that you was playing a board game." He said without a clue on what had been going on.

"no man! I mean if you were listening they did call us for dinner. Come on now let's go and eat some real food. " so they both went and ate their dinner and all went to bed. Pikachu woke up in the middle of the night feeling cold, he now remember that he wanted something that will keep him warm each night but he didn't know what to get, for the last time they got Pikachu a heating pad not knowing it was only for fire type Pokemon so that they Pikachu couldn't sit after he use that heating pad for it burnt his butt fur off so he decided to give it to Fennekin, so we didn't know what to do for a while he tossed and turned until he. A walk would help him sleep better so he left and made sure he didn't wake anyone, he self Fennekin on her heating pad warm as can be. He saw a river near so he went and walked beside it thinking it's Rhythm would make him sleepy a few minutes later he heard soft tapping noises. He was alert that something was near him for sure. He saw no one so he thought it was just him, he realized he was thirsty so he started to drink some water from the river when he was done he looked up and saw where the noise was coming from, it was across the lake. He couldn't believe his eyes, it was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. It was a wild Eevee dancing and prancing around. He thought of how beautiful she was and her beautiful Swift and soft dancing was, he stayed hidden so she wouldn't get spooked, "how beautiful" he said to himself it was a beautiful night with the full moon, the sparkling water and now it dancing Eevee. At some point he fell asleep.

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