Talking to Eevee

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Pikachu saw that he fell asleep in the cold damp grass And realize that Eevee was gone but he saw something it was a flower It had pedals that were white, the stem was brown, in the middle of the flower was yellow, It reminded him of Eevee's features but something was off a little bit he didn't know, but the flower was laying next to him. someone had picked a flower for Pikachu while he was sleeping but who? "couldn't have been that wild Eevee, what no she didn't see you, but she could have, No she didn't, okay she couldn't have because you were hidden." He had an argument with himself. he realized he should get home before anyone notices that he was gone.

Time skip

He was home and went through his bed, he had so many questions, "why did the Eevee dance to the Moon? or who gave me this flower." That he had put away in his vase.  "wait I should... n-no I shouldn't. "he said seeing that it was a bad idea.

" you shouldn't what? "said Fennekin sleepy.

 "ah, nothing! just talking to myself."he said frightened at first,

"okay then Mr. secrets. "she said

"I have no secrets remember, I told you this, friends don't have secrets. "he explained to her

"okay so what about the time you made out in the woods with a ditto. You thought I wouldn't forget that easily. "

"I said this before already, that was another ditto, just it look like me because they transform, remember. " he said convincingly.

"No that was so you!"she yelled

"Whatever!" Pikachu squeaked. It was a normal day. Pikachu always felt cold at night and every night he went to see Eevee dance, he loves to see your dance and prance in her beautiful form. Every night he woke up with the same color but different flower next to him. He still didn't know who put them there but he had a plan to find out so near night before Eevee came out Pikachu came out and put a flower on the rocks that Eevee dance on and then waited where he first saw the Eevee and watch as Eevee came prancing to the rocks and Stopped and looked around to see if someone was there because she saw the flower. what Pikachu Saw made him cry. Eevee took the flower carefully between her teeth with tears ready the flow and set it On a rock about her height and stared at its sobbing and crying, a minute later she curled up into a ball and hit her face and her tail sobbing. Pikachu started to sob and cry too, "Why did I do this to a poor Eevee "both had cried to sleep of course, Eevee woke up first, but when Pikachu woke up something surprise him he saw two flowers next to him, one freshly picked and one was not very freshly picked. He saw teeth markings about his size in the stem of the flower. He knew who gave him all the flowers, it was the wild Eevee. I'm going to talk to Eevee tonight.

Time skip

After-dinner Pikachu was eager to talk to Eevee. luckily no one found out yet, "goodnight Froakie." said eager Pikachu.

"goodnight to you too"He said in his tone of voice.As soon as everyone was asleep Pikachu went where Eevee used to always be and thought, "She should be dancing around already." Pikachu said, this time he was on the other side of the river so he could talk to her. By the time he got there he realized she wasn't there. He saw that  the river was faster and louder, so it was harder to find Eevee for it was washing her beautiful sent away, he looked everywhere he looked everywhere and couldn't find her, he thought that he might have made her too sad to come back he started to leave, "It's all my fault!" he said tears already flowing.

"Help! Please! I don't want to die!" A strange, scared but somewhat beautiful tone of voice called out, pikachu suddenly sees Eevee scared to death in the wild river. 

"Eevee!" pikachu screamed, he felt a chill run through his fur. 

"Pikachu help!" she cried 

"No! No!" thought pikachu. It's all my fault! Pikachu used agility to gain speed and jumped as far as he could from the shore and the closest he could to Eevee.

"Try and swim to me!" as he thought fast, Eevee tried her hardest to get to pikachu until she was pulled underwater, "No! No! I'm coming Eevee! he said with courage, he saw her trying to swim to the surface, she made it, "Eevee look out!" he yelled to her, she turned around and saw a rock blocking her path. she was going to hit it hard is she doesn't slow down. But the river was raped and too strong. Pikachu saw the poor pokemon was unconscious. What was pikachu going to do with a big rock in the way he thought.   Pikachu used thunderbolt on the big rock just like he practiced, it turned into little baby rocks he jumped over the pebbles and kept on swimming trying to get Eevee, the river was calming down but Pikachu had to get Eevee. It was finally still now but Eevee started to sink, "No! Eevee!" he said swimming after her, soon he was very low on air, "Eevee!" he thought, "I won't let her die! Almost there, come on!" Finally he got hold of Eevee and swam as fast as lightning to the surface where was, first letting Eevee get some first then Pikachu came out after. He swam to the shore wondering if she was still alive. She was not moving at all, "Eevee! No! Why did it have to end like this!" he yelled at the top of his lungs, "I love you Eevee, with all my heart!"  still no answer.n "My heart will never be happy without you! You were my love!" Pikachu started to cry and sob, he curled into a really tight ball and felt like nothing would want to make him come out, until he heard a cough, "Eevee! Your, your alive!!!" Pikachu was scared, happy and sad, all at the same time. 

"Y-you saved me Pikachu! I would never be alive if you weren't here!" She said with tears forming In here eyes, she gave him a long hug as they wept and cried. They spent that night together crying them selves to sleep, they had sad scared and happy tears, Pikachu realized that that night he wasn't cold he was warm because Eevee laid next to him. Holding each other all night till morning, they never let go.

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