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Annabelle's pov:
Today is the big day! My eighteenth birthday and I am absolutely ecstatic about it! Luke sadly had to work the night shift today but at least we were able to eat breakfast together and even lunch! He honestly is my hero for saving me from that really shady child home I used to live in. Later as I had gotten a bit older he explained to me how he had been looking for me for two whole years before he found me and adopted me. My mother was his best friend and after he found out about her death he started to question around what had happened with me and where I got placed to. Two months where I felt lonely and completely confused on what was going on and why my mother left me here. So I guess everyone could imagine the immens joy of finally having a true home again and even more than that, someone that truly cares for me! Luke honestly was and is the best thing that could of happened to me. He always looks out for me and is the best dad anyone can wish for.
„So, what have you planned for the rest of your birthday?" he asks me with his gun and batch already on his body ready to leave shortly. His face showed concern but why I don't know.
„Simon wants to go out since I finally can get in a club. I thought I did tell you already about it?" I answer confused of the question and his reaction all together. He seems to think about something really hard before he sighs heavily.
„Just promise me to be careful! There are so many bad people running around those streets." he says and I can see his desperation in his deep brown eyes. So like the good girl I am I nod in reply.
„I promise dad. You know that i am always careful anyway." I vocally answer since he keeps on waiting for me to do so. With yet another sigh he nods in relieve. He softly lays one of his huge hands on my cheek and kisses my forehead in a silent farewell.
„Remember to wear your necklace!" he whispers a second before he pulls away from me and walks out of the apartment with a small wave back towards me. Still feeling slightly strange about him acting like that. It's not that he always seems to worry more than necessary about me, but this was over the top, even for him! Instead of thinking any deeper into the whys, I decided to get myself ready for later this evening. Maybe he simply can't believe how grown up I already am, who knows. Dad often acts a bit more strange than others, still in my eyes he is the best dad ever! So with a quick shake of my head I clear up my head and go to my room to pick an outfit and also get showered.
Just as I have finished getting ready, there is a knock on the front door. With a small smile on my lips I open it to come face to face with a brightly smiling Simon.
„Ready to go clubbing now that you are finally eighteen!?" he questions with pure excitement. Since his happiness is addictive I right away giggle along with his laugh like I nearly always do.
„Yeah! I do look alright? Or should I redress myself?" I say before asking him a bit shy that I picked something embarrassing. His approving look however makes me relax again.
„You look incredible! So don't worry your pretty face." he answers cheekily and links his arm with mine to drag me out of my apartment and towards an already waiting can.
„To the Pandemonium club please." Simon tells the cab driver after we both buckled up. My eyebrows lift slightly at the club he obviously decided on going. I had thought we might go to a not as popular one. But of course Simon picked the most exclusive one! We may don't even get in there! What the hell was he thinking by that choice?
„I can nearly hear your inner dialogue Anna, but you can calm down again since I made sure we stand on their guest list!" he proudly explains and seems more than just a little excited about it himself!
„Let me guess, you asked Raphael for a favor?" I ask him even though I am pretty sure that's the reason he got us even close to that list. His sour expression is also answer enough that i was right with my assumption.
„What can I say other than this guy knows pretty much anyone!" he mutters under his breath.
„We are Here." the cab driver says just as I wanted to start to cheer Simon back up. He quickly pays for our ride and even helps me out of the car like a true gentleman. With a thankful look in my eyes I look up towards his face that has started to beam yet again. With my arm still linked with his, we walk to the bouncer where he quit proudly exclaimed our names. At first the bouncer only eyed him up and down before he looks at me. That seems to do the trick since he right away let's us through and wishes us fun. Feeling a little wobbly on my new pair of high heels in combination of a pretty dark and loud environment. Where I seem to struggle a little, Simon seems to be basting with joy.
„Let's get something to drink before we go dancing!" he shouts near my ear so I even was able to hear anything other than the really loud music. My whole body seems to be vibrating from the heavy bass. Simon holds out a glass for me to take and I happily take it. We clink our drinks together before taking a small sip. Trying to not show my distasteful face since whatever this may be is way to strong for me. I never had drunk any alcohol in my life until now, so I think this is going to take some time to get used to.
„Don't worry, next time I get something more sweet for you!" Simon shouts in my ear with a chuckle. We kept on talking, well more like shouting, and people watching, which really was pretty fun to do! As simon tells me he needs to use the restroom I only nod at him to go ahead. He wasn't really happy about leaving me out here alone, but if he needs to go than he needs to go. As he was out of sight someone else caught my attention very quickly. A blond guy with a pretty dangerous looking sword in his hands marches only a few feet next to me up to a dancing guy. When he starts to pull him away from the group and towards a darkly lit corner I feel the need to follow and help the poor guy! They must of entered the small janitor room since there is no other way they vanished so quickly to. So without much thought about it I enter the room as well. Not the most intelligent move on my part, but what can I say, I am to nosy for my own good! And Luke has taught me right from wrong so I have to help!

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