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Annabelle's pov:
After my dad has stopped his explanation of all those mysterious creatures that are real and not only fairytales as I have believed until now. I at first thought they are only joking and try to prank me but after Magnus has shown me his magic, dad transforming into a gigantic wolf and Raphael's sharp teeth I believed them. Strange enough i didn't felt any fear at all towards them. Why should I thought, I have been living with my dad for years and he not once hurt me in any way nor form. Raphael and Magnus also have been in my life for a really long time and also are my best friends. So if they haven't killed me till now, they won't start now.
„So those people back in the club? The ones with the tattoos." I ask, wanting to know more about them since they were so close to attack us back there.
„Those were shadowhunters. Partly angel and partly human. They are destined to keep humans or as they keep calling them mundaneness safe from demons and so on." luke answers with a pained expression.
„And those tattoos aren't tattoos but runes." he adds with an afterthought.
„So that boy wasn't really a boy but someone bad?" I question Raphael since he was there with me and had seen him. He didn't answer vocally, instead he simply nods towards me.
„But why did they try to get to us then? I mean, we haven't done anything wrong. Right?" I ask still completely confused why they tried to come closer towards us. Were they really going to attack us?
„In their eyes you are a mundane that can see them, which is completely unheard off. And than to put the cherry on top of that, Raphael appeared who could easily kill you. So they either wanted to protect you, or take you hostage to figure out why you can see them." Magnus tells me thoughtfully. That statement kind of hit a nerve! How dare them try to take me hostage!? And as if I need protection from Raphael! He is my best friend for fucks sake! Trying to get myself away from those thoughts gets me to another one I can't grasp fully.
„You said you didn't know what I am. What did you mean by that?" I ask them kind of afraid of the answer. What if I won't like it? But than again, i need to know to fully understand what's going on.
„We don't know the name for it since we never heard about someone like you." luke slowly starts while keeping me in his eyes to make sure I can take in more information or not.
„Your Mother was a shadowhunter and your father was, or better is, a demon slash warlock. That means you are a mix of all of those." he ends with a weak smile which he obviously tried to pull up for my benefit. This whole thing confuses me more and more. They after all told me how all those species stay with their own people and only very rarely interact with others. At least that's what I understood from their explanations.
„But you said shadowhunters hate downworlders? How can I be a mix of them then?" I ask with a very tiny voice. As silly as this may all sound, it is soothing to finally understand why I am so different to other people in my age. I always thought that there must be something wrong with me, but now I know that I am not human like the others. So, no wonder I am different! Still it is no excuse on how awful they have been treating me throughout my life.
„Your Mother fell in Love with your father. They wanted to live together and be happy till there death." Magnus goes on with the explanation after Luke had send him a meaningful look to do so.
„But as word got around that your mother got pregnant a group called the circle decided to kill both of them including you. They are a group of shadowhunters that think downworlders aren't worth living and need to get killed. So they went after your parents." he goes on and stops as my eyes well up with tears. Feeling rather awful that my parents had to fight for their lives because mum got pregnant with me!
„It's ok, please go on." I say since it was clear that he won't keep on talking if I won't give the go ahead.
„Your parents got wind from their plan and for their safety, they split up. Your father went back to his place in hell, overlooking all the creatures down there. Your mother fled to Brooklyn where she came to ask me for help, which I Of course did. I got her a safe place where she could stay and carry out her pregnancy. When you were born she started to get weaker and weaker. There was nothing that had worked to help her and as you turned two she died." he ends with a heavy sigh. My mother must of meant something to him, otherwise he wouldn't look this devastated now.
„Sadly We only got told that she passed away as you were already taken into foster care. That's where we found you two months later. Luke right away took you in which was all our plan right from the start where your mother started to get weaker." he says and I can clearly see that he is finished talking. This must of been really hard for them to talk about all of this again, it surely reopened healed wounds. But I did need to know about all of this. About my upbringing and about my parents that loved me so much that they even split up to make sure I will come alive.
„I have one more question for you." I say and see them all right away stiffen up a bit.
„How will this all change my life now? Can I still start college next week or am I going to step out of it?" I question them and see them all sigh out in relief, guess they thought I am going to ask for my fathers name or location. But before I am going to look for him I need to get my life under control again.
„We Honestly don't know. It depends on what their next move may be." Raphael answers me with a sour look on his face. Well, I guess this has become a waiting game than....

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