Chapter Two:

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Chapter Two:

The unrelenting rays of sunlight peered through the cream-colored curtains of Emilia's room. Puffs of air fanned across the sleeping girl's face, its repulsive breath edging her awake. It was only when the feeling of a warm tongue ran along her cheek and her eye that she fully awoke. Disgruntled, Emilia blinked her eyes open; light grey eyes clashed with brown as she stared into Danny's grinning face. Sitting up abruptly, the girl let out a harsh sneeze, startling the poor dog who jumped wide-eyed away from her.

"I must've forgotten to put him in Jojo's room last night." Emilia thought to herself as she watched the dog in front of her. Scratching her arms insistently, she looked down to notice the hives creeping up her body.

"Come on, Danny," Emilia sighed out, opening her door to free him. The Great Dane rushed out, most likely headed to greet Jonathan in the same way that he had done to her. Emilia was about to close her door to get ready; when a figure passed by her room, startling her. Letting out a small shriek of surprise, she held a hand to her heart, feeling her elevated heartbeat.

"You scared me, Dio. I didn't think anyone else would be awake," Emilia commented, staring wide-eyed at the boy. Dio stared back, his gaze locked onto an unimpressed one.

"I was just headed to the library to do some light reading before we eat," Dio smoothly responded, his voice like melting butter. His unimpressed gaze morphing into one of disinterest.

"Oh," Emilia responded quietly. "I'll let you go read then. I have to get ready," she added before letting out a gasp of realization. Slamming her door shut, the girl could feel the heat rushing up to her cheeks, a deep red settling there, as she bathed in embarrassment. Dio's laughter passed through her door before the sound slowly faded away along with his footsteps.

She had just been spotted in her nightgown, and by a boy no less. How improper! How could I be so obvious? Emilia couldn't help but reprimand herself as she basked in embarrassment.

Once her embarrassment nullified and she could feel the heat leave her cheeks, Emilia quickly got ready for the day. They had lessons with Mr. Joestar that day, and he was nothing less than a strict teacher.

Dio, Jonathan, and Emilia sat together around a large square table as Mr. Joestar began his lecture. Unfortunately for Emilia, Dio had been placed right in front of her. It was hard to look him in the eye again after that morning without the flush returning to her cheeks, so she took to avoiding his piercing eyes.

Rubbing her scarred arm through the thick fabric of her dress, Emilia listened closely to the lesson. Mr. Joestar was not a patient man when it came to learning; she and Jonathan learned that the hard way.

This lesson seemed to be the hardest one yet, though, and it seemed like his impatience was not lacking in the slightest. The rapid spitfire of questions made it a lot harder to answer it correctly under all the pressure. It amazed Emilia how Dio managed to get all of them right. Forgetting her vow not to look him in the eye, the girl couldn't help but stare at him in disbelief. She and Jonathan both got a lot of the questions wrong, although, Jonathan did a lot worse than she did. The arrogant blond only sent a smug smirk back.

"Wrong again, Jojo! You claim you don't understand, but no matter how much I teach you, you never learn!" Mr. Joestar's patience finally wore out after Jonathan got yet another question wrong. Slapping the boys' hand with his disciplinary stick, he gave him a look of disappointment. Jonathan flushed deeply from embarrassment, sending Emilia a look for help. All the girl could do, though, was shrug helplessly. What could she do?

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