three | have the time of your life

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A smile is noticeably plastered on Sadé's face. It is a smile of genuine joy. A feeling suddenly obtained simply because she felt like she gained two new friends, it was a feeling she hadn't felt since meeting Harry. Making friends, being in college even, felt like an accomplishment for it was something she had always found troublesome.

Sadé stood outside of the building alongside Olita and Alma as they awaited Harry's arrival. She checked her phone various times. Sadé knew that Harry had more than one class today as opposed to her schedule. A lab usually lasted her all day, but meeting Olita and Alma made the day feel a lot more quicker. She finally had people to talk to in a class instead of just enduring the day by herself. Except for when she and Harry had classes together, which would be later in the week.

Sadé looked up from her phone to see Harry's lengthy hair flying in every which way because of the wind. His long strides caused him to inch closer to the group of girls, but Sadé met him halfway, immediately calming his loose curls.

"Thank you," He chuckled. "How was your lab?"

"It was great," Sadé giggled in return. She linked her left arm into Harry's right arm. "Speaking of which, I'd like you to meet Olita Duncan and Alma Hope." Sadé motioned towards the two girls, smiles rising on their cheeks.

"I'm Harry, nice to meet you both." Harry delicately shook both of their hands before his palms could reach the feeling of sweat. Clammy hands were often the result of his nervousness when it came to new people, but in this particular situation he managed to suppress it.

He trusts Sadé's judgement when it comes to these type of short gatherings. It wasn't everyday that she introduced him to someone, but her cautious approach always kept them both safe. In a world like this, you can't be too careless.

"So, what cafe are we heading to?" Sadé asked.

"Just right across the street," Olita pointed behind the two best friends.

"Oh, how lovely." Sadé cooed looking over to the small, brick building.

The four began walking, Harry did his best to stay on the correct part of the street as he willingly wanted to protect the three girls from any traffic. He walked alongside the right of Sadé, using his lean arm to shield them by holding it up behind their back, his fingertips nearly touching Olita's shoulder,  while Alma and Sadé occupied the middle. Once they were across the street, Harry stepped ahead and opened the door of what is 'Koffi's Cafe.'

"Your best friend is such a gentleman, Sadé." Alma states as they enter and quickly find their way to the order counter.

"He always has been." Sadé smiles towards him, a rush of warmth covering his cheeks as he takes in the compliment.

Harry and Sadé stand behind Olita and Alma, allowing them to order first. Once they are handed their warming beverages, Harry steps to the counter.

"Two black coffees, please." He asks the barista behind the register.

"Coming right up, that'll be eight dollars even." The barista states.

Harry digs into his pocket and pulls out his wallet. He hands over two, five dollar bills to the young woman and receives his change, along with he and Sadé's coffee.

They find their ways back to Olita and Alma, sitting across from them. As the two girls began starting a light conversation, Sadé picked up her drink first to take a sip. She quickly jolted at the heat of the coffee as it slightly burned her tongue.

"You okay?" Olita asks as she places her hand on Sadé's shoulder.

Sade nods her head while placing her hand to her mouth, "Yes, just didn't cool my drink before sipping is all."

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