four | put a price on emotion

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A sweet smell tickled Sadé's nose, causing her to slowly open her eyes. Her head rested on her arms as they laid on top of her pillow. She felt the silk of her scarf on her forehead figuring it might have shifted a bit through the night as she slept. The more she opened her eyes, the more all of her senses came to surface. She heard the fading out of Fleetwood Mac's, 'Gypsy' and the incoming of of the BeeGee's, 'How Deep Is Your Love.' Sadé smiled at Harry's very versatile playlist. No matter the genre, somehow the songs derived from the seventies or the eighties. Which, the seventies happened to be Harry's favorite decade.

Sadé rose from her sleeping position and sat up to stretch her body. She softly yawned and shook out the remainder of her restlessness. Her pastel pink, painted toes slipped into her slippers and she finally stood from the bed. She pulled on her door handle, opening it to enter into the hallway. Her door hadn't been completely shut, which is what gave the aroma access to her room. As she shuffles down the hall, she comes upon Harry. He's humming to the music playing from a mini bluetooth speaker that sits near the edge of the countertop. A spatula is placed down on the counter next to the stove and he picks up the pan he's cooking in. With a simple toss, a pancake flips through the air and lands back in the pan. Harry does a victory dance, cheering for himself only to turn around to realize Sadé is watching him.

"Oh, good morning dear!" Harry grins. "I made breakfast!"

"I see," Sadé giggles. "It smells wonderful. I see you're wearing a bandanna around your head just like you used to in high school." Sadé said, observing his overall appearance.

The bandanna is placed carelessly around his nest of messy curls. It's something he always wore in school after he had grown his hair out. Instead of grooming his curls a certain way everyday, this is how he went until after graduation. Of course, kids made fun of him for it but he liked feeling that type of freedom, feeling as though his hair was the only thing he could let free. Considering his very tight schedule that had revolved around his advanced classes, assignments, and homework.

Today felt different though, especially after talking with Sadé last night about how tense he felt. This morning, he finally felt a sense of release, which opted him to cook breakfast as a thank you to his best friend.

"Yeah, I decided to throw it on for old times sake." He responds.

The rest of his appearance included grey, checkered sleep pants and an old band tee, specifically 'Kiss.'

"Here, I've already set up our dining nook for us to eat at." Harry states, throwing a hand towel over his shoulder. He walks to the table that sits on the other side of the kitchen counter, right before it enters completely into the living room.

Sadé happily sits down and Harry sets a plate in front of her. Everything needed to eat with is neatly placed on the table, including that of sugar, butter, and even syrup for the pancakes he made. Harry takes a seat across from Sadé, first taking a sip of his glass full of orange juice.

"Thank you so much for this Harry," Sadé speaks, beginning to dig into her food.

"You're welcome, besides you deserve it. It's the least I can do after you've handled everything for us regarding the apartment." Harry says in a very appreciative tone.

"Aww, well that's what friends are for. We've always gone out of our way for one another, so there's no reason to stop now." Sadé says and places a fork full of pancakes delicately into her mouth.

Harry catches himself before Sadé can realize he's staring at her. He seems to do that quite often, and no matter how much he tries to stop it, he's always observing her while admiring her beauty. He clears his throat and takes a bite of scrambled eggs, attempting to distract himself—but of course, that fails when Sadé begins small talk as she always does.

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