Chapter 3

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Selena pov

This is really not what i imagined my first day at work to be like, i was already packing my things to live the office when a message popped in my computer and its from Mr rude ,i opened it


What??  this guy can't be serious how can he call my shoes rejected ,he has luck that the shoes hurt my feet else i would wear them ,i hissed angrily and closed the laptop,, my head began hurting badly ,my vision were becoming blurry ,i ran to my car pushed it and drove home and injected myself and felt better after 2 hours ,,well that's my life ,i feel that way anytime i go to an environment that i haven't been before ,i have been battling with this sickness right from childhood and that's why i left my parent and now stay alone until i met Ella,she's the only one that knows about it apart from my parent and she's always there for me

I woke up feeling hungry because i was too weak to cook last night,i stood up from my bed and carried myself into the kitchen and started preparing spaghetti and meatballs my favourite ,after eating i took my bath and decided to rest since i will be going for the award in 3hours time

I wore a white short gown and flat shoes that matched with my hand bag ,brushed my hair and injected my self before leaving the house ,i was already at the door when the door bell ring i opened it and was two guys wearing black
"Hi"i said

"Miss Selena,Mr kings asked us to bring you to the venue "the first guy said and i nodded

I followed them and entered the cars ,it was so comfy and beautiful unlike my push and start ,soon we arrived at the venue cars were trooping in ,expensive ones ,,the door opened i came down and saw Mr rude waiting for me ,he was wearing a white suit that was when it hit me,,,gosh were are wearing matching outfit ahhh we look like couples,,the thought of us being couples makes me want to puke already

"I have simple rules for you Selena "he said and i rolled my eyes

"Do not eat anything in there
Do not say a word to anyone except me ,
Just smile always and make sure you always stay close to me "he said

"Do i make myself clear" he asked coldly

"Duhhh" i said and he glared at me angrily

He put his hand around my waist and walked it with camera flicking and reporters asking question

"seriously is there no other place you can put your hand apart from my waist "i whispered

"There is nothing special about your over sized waist"he whispered back and i felt like punching him immediately

🌸Donald pov🌸

We walked in and i started greeting my business associate with Selena close to who never stop talking,this girl is just something else and i don't know why i cant get rid of her ,everything i say or ask her to do is none of her business ,she does what ever she want and even talk back at me,so much guts

"oh ma,i love your dress "she said to a lady

"thank you "the lady replied and smiled widely,i thought i told her not to talk to anyone

"Wow ,i love your necklace"she said to another woman

"Awwn thanks ,its from Tiffany and co jewellery " the woman replied back while i pinched Selena to keep quite ,,oh yes she didn't keep quite ,this girl love getting on my nerves

😍 Selena pov😍

After greeting a lot of people ,the award began and Mr rude was called on stage and was awarded ,he gave a long and boring speech while people kept clapping for him but i didn't,, finally they have began sharing food i was starving

"Hi"i said calling the waiter serving food

"Can you please sever me ,and can you please also wrap it up and not eating it here and one more thing i have extra stomach so double it "i said and the guy stared at me awkwardly before leaving

"let go"Mr rude said approaching me

"Not yet am waiting for someone "i said

"Here you go ma"the waiter said and gave me the food

"Thank you"i said and left before Mr rude could alter a word

i walked to his car the driver opened it and we both entered

"i told you not to eat anything "he yelled furiously

"Well i didn't"i replied him

"Then what is in your hand"he asked pointing at the food i was holding

"Well you said don't eat anything in there,you didn't say i shouldn't collect anything" i replied and began unwrapping  the food ,,hummm ,so yummy ,i said and kept eating with the way Mr rude was staring at me am sure he is hungry too

"Do you want some"is asked

"No"he replied coldly

"Good because it wont even be enough for the both of us "i said and continued eating while he focused on his phone

"shit,how can this people think we are dating"he said and i starred at him

"She's not even my type"he said again and i quickly collected his phone and saw our pictures

"Gosh i cant date someone like you ,you are too ugly and rude for my liking"i said licking my lips

"Look who is talking,have you looked at your self you have flat ass and fallen boobs,i cant even pick you as a suit talk more of girlfriend "he  fired back

"Oh trust me you are worst,your nose is flat and your ears are too big for your head ,have you seen your lips too,even the blind won't date you"i replied

"keep dreaming girls are always tripping and drooling over me anywhere i enter unlike you but i only fuck and dispose"he said

"Am sure its girls that looks like ape that will droll over you ,you are not even close to the guys i hangout with ,,it is money that is covering a little part of your ugliness"i yelled  and he kept mute

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