10. "The Truth", They say

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I had asked Rehan to not wait for me today since I'll be working late. He didn't object or say anything to turn me down. He knows that I love my job and that It was what kept me going all these months. Maybe, that is why he was okay with this. It has always been this way; The way in which i was happy, for him.

I finished my work as quickly as i could and i was left with almost an hour till the working hours end so that i could go. But I was still at my cabin, thinking about Zain... He was not just mysterious, he was up to something and that something didn't look good to me. I had to find out so that i can stop him from doing something stupid. The only way i could think of was to find out from Ehsaas. She had zero capability to hide things from me. But how can i be sure that she knows about Zain's plan?

what if there was no plan? what if i am acting delusional, again? nah! this didn't feel like it.

So, I took out my phone and texted Ehsaas to check if she was awake at this hour. We had almost similar work hours, which is why i felt positive about her availability. After I texted her a 'Hey', I kept my phone back on the table and started packing my stuff up so that I could leave as soon as I get a text from her.

My phone started to buzz and I didn't waste a second to take the call.

'Ehsaas! i wasn't sure if you'd be available. you are free, right?. It's really important. Can I meet you?' I asked in a jiffy.

'Hello, this is Ms. Tripthi Srinivas, right?' the deep voice from the other side said.

It wasn't Ehsaas, obviously. This was a man.

'Yes. But it's not Srinivas. That will be my uncle. It's Tripthi Ramakrishnan.' I said.

'Oh yes! Mr. Ramakrishnan was your maternal grandfather. yes, yes... Well, I am sorry. I speculated your name to be-'

'Who are you by the way?' I cut him short. and how does he know about my grandfather?

'This is Karan Singh; I am the temporary CEO of Sreechitra International. I was told that you'll be available at this hour which is why I am calling you now.'

This cannot be good. Why was he calling me?

'Okay. What should I help you with?' I asked him.

'Madam, we are sorry for your uncle. But the company needs to move forward. This is still your father's company. We need you to come here and help us with the administration. You have to either take the job or just sell off your company shares.' He said in a well-practiced tone.

'I am sorry, but what did you say?' was what i said but my face contorted into a 'Eh?'

'in short, if you don't have a plan, we might need to sell the company to keep it going since your family holds the highest shares and also because we don't actually have a CEO at the moment, per se.' he said. 

He cannot sell the company. This was my father's dream.

'I can come there today by ten if that is fine.' i made sure i don't waste a single moment.

'You can call me as soon as you reach. I will come and get you from the gate. you-'

'I can come on my own. You don't need to help me.'

'as i was saying, you might know very little about the company's structure since you've never had a visit.'

Rude. Whatever!

'Okay.' And I cut the call.

but once i disconnected the call, fatigue started to weigh me down. I needed to sleep. Maybe I can spy on Zain tomorrow. I need sleep before dealing with this Karan Singh or whatever he is.

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