Chapter 8

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Amara still found the world around her challenging and confusing

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Amara still found the world around her challenging and confusing. If it wasn't for the empress, she might have been overwhelmed by the things around her. Machines to talk to people far away, some to heat up food and even others to cook the food. There were others to chop vegetables, some to mash them.

Amara had even been shown machines that showed pictures of stories. Water came out of metal things called taps, both hot and cold. She felt out of her depths. What was she going to do if there was no need to fetch water? How was she going to take care of her husband if there was nothing for her to do?

Even when she tried to be a good wife, she was failing.

They walked through a forest that seemed too neat. The trees were spaced evenly, their leaves growing without the wildness of the ones she knew. Green grass that looked as luxurious as the carpets in the palace filled the spaces between them with neat little roads leading to benches surrounded by flowers.

Though it was all beautiful, there was something offensive about the neatness of the forest. Even the riot of flowers seemed out of place. Amara though kept her mouth shut as she allowed Daichi to lead her.

There were a lot of people in the forest. Lying down on the ground, strolling through the pathways and sitting on the benches. Children ran about with their minders keeping a close eye on them. As in the palace, the people that passed them gave a respectful bow to Daichi which he returned with a head inclination.

Unlike the ones at the palace, the people they passed gave her a friendly acknowledgement. As the only Afrid among them, the people at the palace had made sure to let her know she wasn't welcome. It was refreshing to meet people who didn't make her feel like an interloper and she relaxed.

She could see they were curious about her, but the fact that she was with their prince restrained them. "I should've known better than to cut through the park at this time of day ." he said with a smile down at her. "Everyone is curious about you and I'm sure one of them is going to waylay us."

"Park?" she asked then winced before looking down. The last thing she wanted was to have him knowing how out of place with his world she was. Even when she thought she had it in hand, something came up to show her how ignorant she was.

"This is a park." Daichi stated without any indication he was annoyed at her. "It's one of several in the city so that our people have a touch of nature around. If they want something more, something wilder then there're the forests that ring our city."

"Oh." She couldn't think of anything to say. It suddenly made sense why the trees and grass were so neat.

"I know our way of life is different than what you're used to but I have every confidence you'll learn."

Her heart was going fast, her throat dry but she nodded. "Of course."

"Remember there should always be truth between us." He reminded gently.

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