Cold Blood

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Listen to your gut

Kathrin "they say listen to your gut, I know why now"
Kathrin"as I held my brother in my arms for the last time, I said night Harrison"
Kathrin"when the paramedics arrived, I watched them pronounce his time state of death and take him out of my arms"
Kathrin"sad is an under statement I feel a mix of emotions he was my best friend and brother"
Kathrin "guilt I feel guilt if I hadn't of gone to the party this would never of happened.

Kate(mum)" kathrin what's up it's too quiet in here"

Kathrin"he's gone they took him from my arms"

Kate"well that's that then go get ready for school tomorrow"

Kathrin"you don't care that your son Is dead, tell me that's a lie because what mother are you if you don't care that your son is dead.

Kate"look kathrin bad things happen and we carnt do anything to fix it"

Kathrin"you know what if you hated us that much why didn't you just pack up and leave again"


Kathrin"why just so you can call someone to go out, I love you mum but if you wasn't my mum I wouldn't care about you"

Kate"your ungrateful you know that"

Kathrin"no if I was ungrateful I wouldn't live in this shitty life because quite frankly I fuckin hate living here but I put up with your and dad's shit"

Kate"do you want to do something for your brother then, we'll go to London yeah"

Kathrin"fine but if you make tommow all about you then you can just leave me there because I'm done fighting"

What's going to happen in London??

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