Let's Make A Deal

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Next morning
*kathrin's warehouse *

"boss" Noura

"yes" kathrin

"can I speak to you in private?" Noura

"of course meet me in the board room in 5 mins" kathrin


"why not" Derek

"You're not going to a stupid party" John


"Calm down bro" Derek

"I'm off to kathrin's warehouse" daimon

"I'm coming to meet the bride to be" John

"no your not" Daimon

*kathrin's warehouse, the room falls silent'

"what the fuck is wrong with you all?* John

" kathrin is in the board room and can you all get back to work" coco

"who are you" John

"I'm.." coco

"that's coco, now don't you dare say anything daft" Daimon

"oh fuck off" John

*daimon walks into kathrin's office*

"wasn't expecting you" kathrin

"I think it's time that we make a deal" Daimon

"what kind of deal?" kathrin

"a deal that could get us killed if we aren't careful" Daimon

"oh so like danger" kathrin

"why don't we go as a set up, that way we'll trick Paul Cameron" Daimon

"okay I'm interested" kathrin

So that day he explained it all.

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