The Whispering Tree

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Maria walked toward the forest she had visited time and time again over the last years. Especially the last months, which had been tough on her.

Like many others, she enjoyed the calming silence of the forest. She loved closing her eyes as she listens to the sound of the wind. Taking it all in, she knew that this was her favorite place.

A place where she was able to be alone with her thoughts and remember where she came from. Where everyone descended from. Nature. Humans tend to forget this.

Maria walked deeper into the forest, knowing exactly where to go. She could even walk there while having her eyes closed. It was a path only known to her and her only secret. She never told anyone about it, not even the priests. They might get mad and would try to keep her away from it.

When she arrived at the Whispering Tree, she humbly touched it with her bare hands and knelt down, as she had done so many times before.

"Hello my dear friend", she whispered, knowing that the ancient tree was easily disrupted by loud noises. "I missed you."
"You know that I'm always with you", answered the Whispering Tree.

Maria nods. She always felt a connection to the woods but was only able to explain it when she found her patron.

"Do you have anything on your mind?", whispered the tree after a while.

The girls sighed. "Not really. I just feel bad lying to my people about why I go into the forest every now and then."

"Do you remember why you can never tell them about my existence?", asked the Whispering Tree.

Maria nods. The priests strongly believe that all the beings that talk must be human and if you say otherwise, you are being punished for practicing paganism. The girl has already seen many people being burned alive or hanged for this crime. It always sends a shiver down her spine.

"Exactly", answered the Whispering Tree, reading her mind. "Yet they are not ready to accept that God gave the ability to speak to more species than humans. Dogs and cats talk too, just not in a language they can understand."

Maria nods again. The priests are not people to be argued with. It's better to not talk to them about such things. She has learned from her mistakes.

Instinctively Maria touched her left arm, remembering the punishment. She got whipped by the holy punisher for the crime of thinking about talking trees. Maria drew one in class while dreaming about being with her patron again.

"Did they hurt you again?", the Whispering Tree asked.

A sudden wind brushed through Marias hair. She wanted to hold back her tears but after a moment she hugged the Whispering Tree, sobbing.

"Don't worry my child", he whispered as a branch formed around her and the leaves fell down on her crying body.

"They will pay."

Maria went back to the small town. Somehow, she knew what she was doing.

She knew where to find the gasoline.

She also knew where to find matches.

She knew what she was doing when she lit the church on fire during the sunday prayer.

She knew what she was doing when she heard the screams of her neighbors, family and all the people she had always known.

They were all gone now.


Diesmal auf Englisch, ich hoffe ich habe alles richtig gemacht was Grammatik und Vokabeln angeht. Bin bei sowas immer ziemlich nervös.

Das Thema war dieses Mal nur der Titel: The Whispering Tree.

Ich hab mit einem Story Title Generator rumexperimentiert, das war ganz interessant muss ich sagen. Ich liebe es wie ich nur die Worte sehe und sich in meinem Kopf eine ganze Geschichte dazu bildet. Deswegen liebe ich Kurzgeschichten so sehr, ich habe nicht die Geduld für einen Roman und es fühlt sich so an als hätte ich etwas geschafft. Und es kurbelt die Fantasie des Lesers an.

Vielleicht kommt mit dem Story Title Generator auch mal eine etwas komischere Geschichte. Ich hab da mal "The Evil Onion" gelesen und musste erstmal laut loslachen.

Aber naja, ich hoffe dass auch das Englische zu deiner Zufriedenheit war und wünsche dir einen schönen Tag ^^

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