A walk through the woods

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The man is walking through the woods. He remembers the paths from his youth. He chuckles as he thinks about those days, when he thought everything was possible. All around him, the leafs fall down.

It's autumn, the season of realizing once more the circle of life omnipresent in the nature. In summer we grow, in autumn we celebrate the harvest. After that, everything slowly dies and with spring comes the rebirth.

The old man tightens his coat. Winter is coming. This would be his last autumn, his last harvest. His family knew of his weakness and therefore liked it better to see him in the cozy warm house than on the field. So is this truly his last harvest?

It certainly is the last one he experienced, even though not being able to help. Watching his children and grandchildren come home tired of working on the farm all day reminded him of the days when he was younger.

Oh, he missed those times. He had once been a tall figure but time has a way of changing things and so did his stature. Who had been a tall and proud figure has become a small and bitter old man, wondering about opportunities he had missed.

The girl he didn't ask out, the adventures he didn't want to join in. The man stops and tearfully looks up into the sky. Did he really make the best of his life?

A friend of him once said that life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall. But is that really true? Does he get a new life after that one?

The fear of what comes next has been rumbling in him ever since his wife had died. She had died in a car accident a few years prior and left him alone. Maybe they would meet again after this autumn.

The man wipes away his tears and slowly continues walking. He has always loved the woods ever since he was a child. He still admires the peace that comes with the air, the sounds and the strong trees that surround him. His family would have never let him go alone.

"They worry too much", he whispers to himself as he watches seemingly infinite leafs fall down.

It doesn't surprise him. The day has been particularly windy, so it's only natural. Maybe he really shouldn't walk here without anyone by his side. Anything could happen.

The man is exhausted. He definitely has lost his stamina from back in the days and it shows. Panting, he sits down on a recently felled tree to relax a bit.

Why are you doing this? Just to suffer and be reminded of your body constantly getting weaker?

The man looks to the ground. Then he notices something. Could that be...?

He picks up the single green leaf laying among hundreds orange and brown ones. The man eyes this rarity and then after a minute or two he gets up and walks back to his farm.

If a single green leaf was able to come to him, he would be able to spend his last days with his family.


Dieses Mal waren die Wörter:

Green or Smoke, Evening or Peaceful, Leaf, Walking, Chilly & Little (die unterstrichenen hab ich verwendet)

Ich hab mir diesmal ein bisschen Zeit gelassen mit den Schreibprozess. Der Hauptgrund dafür war eigentlich nur, dass ich nicht wirklich nen Plan für die Geschichte hatte bzw. ich war mit dem ersten Plan nicht wirklich zufrieden. Nach kurzer Überarbeitung war ich dann einigermaßen zufrieden und hab losgeschrieben.

Mehr hab ich eigentlich dazu auch nicht zu sagen :')

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