A Peaceful Ending

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I open the book I've been keeping from him forever. He cannot know of this or he might hurt me again. I open it, wanting to relive the memories that shaped my childhood. I chuckle thinking of that word.


Most people would say that this time isn't over for me and age wise they would be right. But sometimes you have to psychologically grow up faster than you do physically.

I hear a sound coming from outside. Has he found my hiding spot? I immediately hold my breath and while the adrenaline rushes through me, I try to keep calm not to alert him of my presence.

For a few seconds, everything stands still. If he finds me, everything will be over. I wait. Silence.

But then I hear it. The steps slowly edge away and I let my body breathe again. Finally I can take a look into the book. Actually it's a diary from my dad.

Every day when it's particularly bad here, I read one page to remind me of his kindness. A kindness that is completely missing in my life now that he's gone.

Today it's the page when we carved out pumpkins together. I vividly remember this day. It was awesome. While I read the text, the memories to this day come back.

"Dad, I want a different face!", little me screams.

My dad chuckles. "Which one?"

I think about it for a minute before I tell him that I want a dog and a cat pumpkin. My dad agrees and we begin sketching out the faces.

I smile as my fingers go over the old picture glued into the diary. Orange, the color of the pumpkin. It has always been my favorite. The strong but not overwhelming feeling that it gives me, the happiness it emits. Just everything about it helped me. Maybe that's why I loved citrus so much when I was younger. But the time for being young has passed.

I continue reading my dads text.

"My son loves carving pumpkins. Every year he has different ideas and this one was no exception. I wish that I could always continue doing that with him. But I slowly feel that I cannot do this anymore, because..."

My tears blur my vision as I read my fathers words. He was right, the time for that has run out and the possibility of us doing anything together again is shrinking every day.

I close the book and hide it in the usual spot. Time to dry the tears and face my fears. In the past, this mostly turned out bad for me. Broken bones, bruises all over my body and black eyes weren't unusual. As much as I know that I can't win against him, I know that it has to end at one point or I will suffer forever.

Slowly I open the door to my trusty hiding spot. But before I am able to take a better look around me, a strong hand grabs me and lifts me up.

"Finally found you!"

Fear fills every inch of my body, paralyzing me completely.

"Now you will know what happens to naughty boys who refuse to listen!"

As he throws me into a corner, I take a look at him.

At this monster. He may look like my dad, but the dark creature is really in charge. It has taken over his body. I can't be mad, he couldn't do anything about it. The war changed him and connected him with this beast. The monster is in control now and even though it hurts me, I still love my dad.

Tears and blood stream down my face as he picks me up again.

As he throws me again, I realize that this is the end.

I will miss you dad. But now I can finally enjoy peace. I will hopefully see you in heaven.

The last thing I see is a bright light and ultimately peaceful silence.


Das ist wieder eine Challenge von thewritersgarden auf Instagram. Diesmal waren die Begriffe:

Orange or Cider (habe Orange genommen), Noon or Nostalgic (habe Nostalgic genommen), Pumpkin, Reading, Bright & Quiet

Ich habe mich für eine etwas härtere Erzählung entschieden, weil ich es zu einfach fand etwas Friedliches zu schreiben. Und dann hätte mir wahrscheinlich die Kreativität gefehlt ;) Das Wort "Nostalgic" habe ich gewählt weil ich die letzte Geschichte schon "Noon" gewählt habe. Und außerdem habe ich noch nie wirklich mit Intention etwas Nostalgisches geschrieben.

Ich finde es interessant, wie sich bei mir nur beim Hören schon eine Geschichte zusammenreimt. Geht das auch anderen Leuten so oder bin ich verrückt lol :)

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